
An acronym is an abbreviation of several words in such a way that the abbreviation itself forms a word.

Below is an alphabetical list of acronyms used on this site & within local government.

AADT -> Annual Average Daily Traffic
AAMCoG -> Australian Asset Management Collaborative Group
AAPA -> Australian Asphalt Pavement Association
AASB -> Australian Accounting Standards Board
ABEF -> Australian Business Excellence Framework
ABS -> Australian Bureau of Statistics
AC -> Asbestos Cement
ACELG -> Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government
ADAC -> Asset Design and As Constructed
ADWG -> Australian Drinking Water Guidelines
AEP -> Annual Exceedance Probability
AGIMO -> Australian Government Information Management Office
AHD -> Australian Height Datum
ALGA -> Australian Local Government Association
ALGIM -> Association of Local Government Information Management
ALGWA -> Australian Local Government Women's Association
A-MAP -> Asset Management Advancement Program
AMMJ -> Asset Management Maintenance Journal
AMMS -> Asset Maintenance Management System
AMP -> Asset Management Plan
AMS -> Asset Management System
ANAO -> Australian National Audit Office
ANZSOG -> Australia and New Zealand School of Government
API -> Application Programming Interface
APIGAM -> Asia Pacific Institute for Good Asset Management
APV -> Australia Pacific Valuers
ARI -> Average Recurrence Interval
ARRG -> Australian Rural Roads Group
ASR -> Aquifer Storage and Recovery
ATGIS -> Atherton Tablelands Geographic Information Services
AustLII -> Australasian Legal Information Institute
BMRG -> Burnett Mary Regional Group
BSA -> Building Service Authority
CAD -> Computer-aided Design
CAMS -> Central Asset Management System
CAPEX -> Capital Expenditure
CBD -> Central Business District
CBR -> California Bearing Ratio
CCTV -> Closed-Circuit Television
CED -> Common Effluent Disposal
CERM -> Community Emergency Risk Management
CIPP -> Cured-in-place Pipe
CMMS -> Computerised Maintenance Management System
CMT -> Corporate Management Team
CPI -> Consumer Price Index
CPRS -> Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
CRC -> Current Replacement Cost
CRM -> Customer Relationship Management
CRM -> Customer Request Management
CRV -> Capital Replacement Value
CSS -> Customer Service Standard
CSS -> Cascading Style Sheets
DAP -> Disability Action Plan
DCP -> Development Contributions Plan
DDA -> Disability Discrimination Act 1992
DEM -> Digital Elevation Model
DERM -> Department of Environment and Resource Management
DFE -> Defined Flood Event
In Australia, Digital Engineering is adopted terminology which has broader elements to BIM -> Building Information Modelling. BIM is also known/referred as Better Information Management or Virtual Design and Construction.
DLG -> Division of Local Government
DPCD -> Department of Planning and Community Development
DRC -> Depreciated Replacement Cost
DSE -> Department of Sustainability and Environment
DTMR -> Department of Transport and Main Roads
DVC -> Department for Victorian Communities
EDRMS -> Electronic Document and Records Management System
EEO -> Equal Employment Opportunity
EOI -> Expression of Interest
EPA -> Environment Protection Authority (NSW, SA, Tas, Vic)
EPA -> Environmental Protection Authority (WA)
EPA -> Essential Public Asset
FAG -> Federal Assistance Grant
FME -> Feature Manipulation Engine
FOSS -> Free & Open Source Software
GDA -> Geocentric Datum of Australia
GDA94 -> Geocentric Datum of Australia
GILF -> Government Information Licensing Framework
GIS -> Geographical Information System
GL -> General Ledger
GPT -> Gross Pollutant Trap
GRP -> Glass Reinforced Plastic
HACC -> Home and Community Care
HGL -> Hydraulic Grade Line
HR -> Human Resources
HVAC -> Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
ICP -> Infrastructure Charges Plan
ICSM -> Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying & Mapping
ICT -> Information and Communication Technologies
IFD -> Intensity Frequency Duration
IIMM -> International Infrastructure Management Manual
IKEN -> Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Network
IMEA -> Institute of Municipal Engineering Australia
IPA -> Integrated Planning Act
IPWEA -> Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia
IPWEAQ -> Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia Queensland
IRI -> International Roughness Index
JSA -> Job Safety Analysis
KPI -> Key Performance Indicator
KRA -> Key Result Area
KSA -> Key Strategic Activity
LATM -> Local Area Traffic Management
LEAD -> Localities Embracing and Accepting Diversity
LEMP -> Landfill Environment Management Plan
LENR -> Low Energy Nuclear Reaction
LGAQ -> Local Government Association of Queensland
LGMA -> Local Government Managers Australia
LGPMC -> Local Government and Planning Ministers' Council
LRRS -> Local Roads of Regional Significance
LTCCP -> Long Term Council Community Plan
LTFP -> Long-term Financial Plan
MAV -> Municipal Association of Victoria
MCH -> Maternal and Child Health
MECC -> Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre
MEMP -> Municipal Emergency Management Plan
MERC -> Municipal Emergency Response Coordinator
MERO -> Municipal Emergency Resource Officer
MFPP -> Municipal Fire Prevention Plan
MOOC -> Massive Open Online Course
MRM -> Municipal Recovery Manager
NAASRA -> National Association of Australian State Road Authorities
NAGA -> Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action
NAMAF -> National Asset Management Assessment Framework
NAR -> Name & Address Register
NDRRA -> Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements
NGAA -> National Growth Areas Alliance
NGERS -> National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System
NHVR -> National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
NPI -> National Pollutant Inventory
NSW -> New South Wales
OH&S -> Occupational Health & Safety
OPEX -> Operating Expenditure
OSD -> On-site Stormwater Detention
OSS -> Open Source Software
PAC -> Powder Activated Carbon
PCI -> Pavement Condition Index
PDSA -> Plan Do Study Act
PIP -> Priority Infrastructure Plan
PMF -> Project Management Framework
PN -> Pressure Nominal
POC -> Point of Connection
PPE -> Personal Protective Equipment
PPP -> Public-private Partnership
PRV -> Pressure Reducing Valve
PSM -> Permanent Survey Mark
PUP -> Public Utility Plant
PVC -> Polyvinyl Chloride
QAO -> Queensland Audit Office
QBL -> Quadruple Bottom Line
QSIC -> Queensland Spatial Information Council
RAP -> Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
RCBC -> Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert
RCG -> Recycled Crushed Glass
REO -> Research and Evaluation Officer
RFS -> Request for Service
RMIT -> Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
RMP -> Road Management Plan
RMPC -> Road Maintenance Performance Contract
ROC -> Regional Organisation of Councils
RPEQ -> Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland
RRG -> Regional Road Group
RRPM -> Raised Reflective Pavement Marker
RSA -> Road Safety Audit
RSA -> Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
RTA -> Roads and Traffic Authority (NSW)
RTA -> Road Transport Authority (ACT)
RTA -> Road Traffic Authority (Vic)
RTU -> Remote Telemetry Unit
RUL -> Remaining Useful Life
RV -> Replacement Value
RVMP -> Roadside Vegetation Management Plan
RWMG -> Regional Waste Management Group
SAMP -> Strategic Asset Management Plan
SCADA -> Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCI -> Surface Condition Index
SEAVROC -> South East Avon Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils
SEP -> Side Entry Pit
SES -> State Emergency Service
SIA -> Stormwater Industry Association
SIG -> Special Interest Group
SLA -> Service Level Agreement
SPS -> Sewage Pump Station
SQID -> Stormwater Quality Improvement Device
SRP -> Strategic Resource Plan
SWIM -> statewide water information management
SWMP -> Stormwater Management Plan
TAMS -> Department of Territory and Municipal Services
TBL -> Triple Bottom Line
TBM -> Temporary Benchmark
TGSI -> Tactile Ground Surface Indicator
TMP -> Total Management Plan
UGB -> Urban Growth Boundary
UHPC -> Ultra high performance concrete
UL -> Useful Life
ULGA -> Urban Local Government Association
UTS -> University of Technology, Sydney
VAGO -> Victorian Auditor-General's Office
VC -> Vitrified Clay
VCAT -> Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
VGC -> Victoria Grants Commission
WCMS -> Web Content Management System
WDRC -> Written Down Replacement Cost
WDV -> Written Down Value
WIOA -> Water Industry Operators Association
WIP -> Work in Progress
WQIP -> Water Quality Improvement Plan
WSAA -> Water Services Association of Australia
WSUD -> Water Sensitive Urban Design

External Links & References

  1. GIS Acronyms & Jargon
  2. Google Search
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