National Performance Reporting

the ability to generate a report containing the values of all the indicators required within a National Performance Report.


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General Information

The National Performance Report (NPR) presents a consistent and informative overview of the performance of Australian urban water utilities and the essential services they provide. The NPR is an important initiative as it collates, at the national level, information on urban water and the performance of the urban water industry. The NPR builds on the experience gained from previous WSAAfacts, State and Territory based regulatory reporting and Australian Water Association (AWA) reporting. The NPR improves the data integrity of national reporting through an auditing regime and also provides for a comparison of water utility performance over time and between utilities, giving the opportunity for individual utilities to benchmark their performance against those of similar utilities.


  1. Water service complaints (per 1000 properties)
  2. Water quality guidelines
  3. Water quality complaints (per 1000 properties)
  4. Water main breaks (per 100 km of water main)
  5. Volume of water supplied - Residential (ML)
  6. Volume of water supplied - Other (ML)
  7. Volume of water supplied - Environmental flows (ML)
  8. Volume of water supplied - Commercial, municipal and industrial (ML)
  9. Volume of water sourced from surface water (ML)
  10. Volume of water sourced from recycling (ML)
  11. Volume of water sourced from groundwater (ML)
  12. Volume of water sourced from desalination (ML)
  13. Volume of water received from bulk supplier (ML)
  14. Volume of waste collected -Trade waste (ML)
  15. Volume of waste collected - Residential sewage, non-residential sewage and non-trade waste (ML)
  16. Volume of recycled water supplied -Residential (ML)
  17. Volume of recycled water supplied -Other (ML)
  18. Volume of recycled water supplied -Environmental (ML)
  19. Volume of recycled water supplied -Commercial, municipal and industrial (ML)
  20. Volume of recycled water supplied -Agricultural (ML)
  21. Volume of recycled water supplied - On-site (ML)
  22. Volume of bulk water exports (ML)
  23. Volume of bulk recycled water purchased (ML)
  24. Volume of bulk recycled water exports (ML)
  25. Usage Charge 9th Step
  26. Usage Charge 8th Step
  27. Usage Charge 7th Step
  28. Usage Charge 6th Step
  29. Usage Charge 5th Step
  30. Usage Charge 4th Step
  31. Usage Charge 3rd Step
  32. Usage Charge 2nd Step
  33. Usage Charge 1st Step
  34. Usage Charge - sewerage
  35. Typical Residential Bill (water & sewerage)
  36. Typical Residential Bill - sewerage
  37. Typical Residential Bill - water
  38. Total water supply capital expenditure ($000s)
  39. Total water and sewerage complaints (per 1000 properties)
  40. Total urban water supplied (ML)
  41. Total sourced water (ML)
  42. Total sewerage capital expenditure ($000s)
  43. Total sewage collected (ML)
  44. Total revenue - water ($000)
  45. Total revenue - sewerage ($000)
  46. Total recycled water supplied (ML)
  47. Total net greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) (per 1000 properties)
  48. Total Income for utility ($000)
  49. Total connected properties - water supply (000s)
  50. Total connected properties - sewerage (000s)
  51. Total capital expenditure for water and sewerage ($000s)
  52. Special Levies ($) - water
  53. Special Levies ($) - sewerage
  54. Sewerage service complaints (per 1000 properties)
  55. Sewer overflows to the environment (per 100km of main)
  56. Sewer main breaks and chokes (per 100 km)
  57. Sewage collected per property (kL/property)
  58. Risk-based drinking water management plan externally assessed?
  59. Risk-based drinking water management plan (Please specify plan in place e.g. ISO9001, HACCP, ADWG Aquality assessment)
  60. Revenue per property for water supply services ($/property)
  61. Revenue per property for sewerage services ($/property)
  62. Revenue from Community Service Obligations (%)
  63. Residential revenue from usage charges - water (%)
  64. Recycled water (percent of effluent recycled)
  65. Real losses (L/service connection/d)
  66. Real losses (kL/km water main/d)
  67. Public disclosure of your sewage treatment plant's performance
  68. Public disclosure of drinking water performance (yes/no)
  69. Property connection sewer main breaks and chokes (per 100km sewer main)
  70. Properties served per km of water main
  71. Properties served per km of sewer main
  72. Population receiving water supply services (000s)
  73. Population receiving sewage services (000s)
  74. Percent of sewage volume treated that was compliant (%)
  75. Percent of sewage treated to a tertiary or advanced level
  76. Percent of sewage treated to a secondary level
  77. Percent of sewage treated to a primary level
  78. Percent of biosolids reused
  79. Per cent of calls answered by an operator within 30 seconds (%)
  80. Operating cost - water ($/property)
  81. Operating cost - sewerage ($/property)
  82. Number of zones where microbiological compliance was achieved (e.g. 23/24)
  83. Number of zones where chemical compliance was achieved (e.g. 23 / 24)
  84. Number of water treatment plants providing full treatment
  85. Number of sewage treatment plants compliant at all times
  86. Number of sewage treatment plants
  87. Number of restrictions applied for non-payment of water bill (per 1000 properties).
  88. Number of recycled water treatment plants
  89. Number of Meter Readings per annum - water
  90. Number of legal action applied for non-payment of water bill (per 1000 properties)
  91. Number of Bills per annum - water
  92. Number of Bills per annum - sewerage
  93. Nominal written down replacement cost of fixed water supply assets ($000s)
  94. Nominal written down replacement cost of fixed sewerage assets ($000s)
  95. Net profit after tax ($000s)
  96. Net greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) - water (per 1000 properties)
  97. Net greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) - sewerage (per 1000 properties)
  98. Net greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) - other (per 1000 properties)
  99. Net Debt to equity %
  100. Length of water mains (km)
  101. Length of sewerage mains and channels (km)
  102. Interest cover
  103. Infrastructure leakage index (ILI)
  104. Indicator Name
  105. Income per property for utility ($/property)
  106. Income from Special Levies Retained by Utility? (Yes/No) - water
  107. Income from Special Levies Retained by Utility? (Yes/No) - sewerage
  108. Free Water Allowance (kL) - water
  109. Fixed Charge - water
  110. Fixed Charge - sewerage
  111. Economic real rate of return for water supply (%)
  112. Economic real rate of return - water and sewerage (%)
  113. Economic real rate of return - sewerage (%)
  114. Dividend payout ratio (%)
  115. Dividend ($000s)
  116. Connected Residential properties - water supply (000s)
  117. Connected Residential properties - sewerage (000s)
  118. Connected Non-residential properties - water supply (000s)
  119. Connected Non-residential properties - sewerage (000s)
  120. Compliance with environmental regulator - sewerage (yes/no)
  121. Community Service Obligations ($000s)
  122. Combined operating cost - water and sewerage ($/property)
  123. Capital works grants - water ($000s)
  124. Capital works grants - sewerage ($000s)
  125. Billing and account complaints - water and sewerage (per 1000 properties)
  126. Average frequency of unplanned interruptions - water (per 1000 properties)
  127. Average duration of an unplanned interruption- water (minutes)
  128. Average break/ choke repair time - sewerage (minutes)
  129. Average annual residential water supplied (kL/property)
  130. Average Annual Residential Water Supplied
  131. Annual bill based on 200kL/a (water & sewerage)
  132. Annual bill based on 200kL/a - water
  133. Annual bill based on 200kL/a - sewerage
  134. % of population where microbiological compliance was achieved

External Links & References

  1. National Performance Framework 2009-10 Definitions Handbook (1.8MB PDF)
  2. WSAA Performance Reports Page
  3. Google Search
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