SQL Wiki Query

the ability to interrogate the system database via an SQL Query and display the results in a wiki.


To better explain this requirement, below is an example of a table displayed in Bundaberg Regional Council's internal (MediaWiki) wiki, and the code used to extract it from Council's main Asset management system, which is SQLServer based.


{{#SQLQuery:Asset ID, Road Name, Segment ID, Length, Hierarchy, Surface, PCI, SCI, Replacement Value ($)|select assetID, assetName, segmentID, segLength, hierarchy, surfaceType, ROUND(pavementConditionIndexRaw,1), ROUND(surfaceConditionIndexRaw,1), surfaceUR*segLength*sealWidth+pavementUR*segLength*trafWidth+formationUR*segLength*carriagewayWidth from main_table where assetName='Barolin Street' order by assetID}}

About this page

The text above is a suggested clause for inclusion within a functional specification for an asset management system.
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