In Australia Local Governments are responsible for a large variety of asset types, and the names for these assets can vary from municipality to municipality. Consistent naming conventions and solid definitions would make it easier for Councils to discuss and compare asset management practices. Attempts at standardization include; ADAC & R-Spec.
List of Asset and Component Types
The the various definitions of the terms 'Asset & 'Component' are necessarily vague, and they can and are interpreted differently by different councils. Some entries in the list below will likely be considered to be assets by some Councils, components by others, and neither or irrelevant by yet others. Please treat the list as a starting point to stimulate discussion and add any asset/component types you believe are relevant to local government.
It would be fantastic to get some feed back on the list, and eventually to get some common asset types & definitions that multiple councils can agree on.
Many of the pages linked to below are either empty or what wikipedia would call stubs. Please flesh them out a bit if you can.
To include a page on the list below, add the tag "asset-type" or "component-type" to the page.
- Absorption Trench
- Aeration Basin
- Airport Apron
- Airport Terminal
- Animal Enclosure
- Aquifer Recharge Station
- Area Lighting
- Art Gallery
- Artwork
- Baggage Carousel
- Balance Tank
- Barbecue
- Barbecue Area
- Basketball Court
- Belt Press
- Boardwalk
- Boat Ramp
- Boating Facility
- Boom Gate
- Booster Pump Station
- Bore Pump Station
- Bridge
- Building
- Carbon Dioxide Plant
- Centrifuge
- Chemical Storage Area
- Chlorine Detention Chamber
- Communications Tower
- Community Building
- Control-Treatment Building
- Correction Chamber
- DAF Unit
- Digester
- Dosing Station (Aluminium Sulphate)
- Dosing Station (Caustic Soda)
- Dosing Station (Ferric Chloride)
- Dosing Station (Oxygen)
- Dosing Station (Polymer)
- Dosing Station (Sodium Hypochlorite)
- Drainage Basin
- Drainage Channel
- Effluent Reuse Paddock
- Fence
- Flowmeter
- Footbridge
- Footpath
- Fountain
- Gazebo
- Generator
- Grandstand
- Grit Chamber
- Hall
- Hangar
- Hardstand
- Highlift Pump Station
- House
- Inlet Chamber
- Kerb & Channel
- Kiosk
- Light Tower
- Major Culvert
- Monument
- Motor Control Centre
- Noise Barrier
- Open Channel
- Picnic Area
- Picnic Table
- Pier
- Playground
- Pontoon
- Reservoir
- Retaining Wall
- Road
- Road Segment
- Runway
- Sea Wall
- Seat Shelter
- Sedimentation Tank
- Sewage Pump Station
- Sewer
- Shed
- Skatebowl
- Spraybed
- Stormwater Quality Improvement Device
- Swimming Pool
- Switchboard
- Tennis Court
- Theatre
- Toilet Block
- Waste Transfer Station
- Water Flow Metering Station
- Water Tower
- Weighbridge
- Wet Rack
- Wharf
- Wheel Wash