Asset Management System

Term Asset Management System (AMS) has two main meanings in the local government context.

  1. Software - an asset information management system designed to help an organisation manage its assets.
  2. A management system for asset management whose function is to establish the asset management policy and asset management objectives.

The first meaning has been used for some time. The second meaning was introduced by ISO 55000, and is roughly equivalent in meaning to Asset Management Framework.

An Asset Management Information System or Asset Information Management System (Software) System typically contains a range of modules and/or functionality, including;

See the Asset Management System Functional Specification page for a far more detailed list of AMS functionality.

Asset Management System Management

In order for an Asset Management System to function effectively it needs to be kept up-to-date, both from the perspective of the data it contains and the functionality it provides.


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Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. Asset Information Guideline (New South Wales Treasury)
  3. What makes a good Asset System? (IPWEA Discussion)
  4. IPWEA
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