Asset Naming

Asset naming is the process of assigning an asset name to an asset.

Location / Identifier / Asset Type

One common asset naming convention is to construct the asset name based on its location and/or a special identifier and the asset's type.

Many, possibly most well known assets are named in this way.

Location Identifier Asset Type Name
- Bolte Bridge Bolte Bridge
Sydney Harbour - Bridge Sydney Harbour Bridge
- Carnegie Hall Carnegie Hall
Melbourne - Cricket Ground Melbourne Cricket Ground
- Sidney Myer Music Bowl Sidney Myer Music Bowl

The identifier doesn't need to be the name of a famous person as in the examples above - it can be used to distinguish between two similar assets located close together, e.g.

Location Identifier Asset Type Name
Main Street No.1 Pump Station Main Street No.1 Pump Station
Main Street No.2 Pump Station Main Street No.2 Pump Station
Mildura Recreation Reserve Football Pavilion Mildura Recreation Reserve Football Pavilion
Mildura Recreation Reserve Netball Pavilion Mildura Recreation Reserve Netball Pavilion

The location can sometimes be the intersection of two linear features, e.g. a road and a water course.

Location Identifier Asset Type Name
Winding Road Ship Creek - Bridge Winding Road Ship Creek Bridge
Winding Road Broken River Road Bridge Winding Road Broken River Road Bridge
Winding Road Broken River Pedestrian Bridge Winding Road Broken River Pedestrian Bridge

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External Links & References

  1. Swan Hill City Council Asset Naming Policy
  2. Guidelines for naming or proposing to name or rename a place (DSE)
  3. Google Search
  4. IPWEA Asset Naming Convention/Standards Discussion
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