Asset Renewal

Renewal or more formally Asset Renewal is the replacement or refurbishment of an existing asset (or component) with a new asset (or component) capable of delivering the same level of service as the existing asset.


Renewal Activities

A renewal activity is any work on an asset or asset component that is of a capital nature and (attempts) to bring the asset component (or asset) back to as new condition. Renewal activities are appropriate to all assets and can involve the complete replacement of the asset (in situ) with the new asset providing the original (intended) level of service.

The list below is generated automatically. To add an activity to this list, create the page and add the tag "renewal-activity" to it.

Note: The Queensland Grants Commission classifies road resheeting as a maintenance activity.

Renewal Expenditure

Renewal expenditure is any expenditure on the renewal of an asset.


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The following people have indicated (via the Local Government Collaboration Topics Survey) that they have an interest and/or expertise in the topic of 'asset renewal' and are willing to collaborate with their peers at other councils to identify challenges and resources relating to the topic and to look for ways to work together to overcome any challenges that are identified.

External Links & References

  1. NAMS.AU Position Paper - Asset Consumption & Asset Renewal
  2. International Infrastructure Management Manual
  3. Google Search (Renewal)
  4. Google Search (Asset Renewal)
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