Australian Legislation

Australian Legislation consists of the acts and regulations passed by federal & state governments. Local Government in every state and territory is effected by many many different acts and regulations. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the acts which effect Australian Local Governments on a day-to-day basis.

The lists are generated automatically. To include a page add the tag "acts" plus one of the following "fed", "act", "nsw", "nt", "qld", "sa", "tas", "vic", "wa".


Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

Related Pages


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External Links & References

  1. ComLaw (Commonwealth of Australia Law)
  2. AUSTLII Australasian Legal Information Institute
  3. Current Northern Territory Legislation
  4. South Australian Legislation
  5. Queensland Local Laws Online
  6. Queensland Legislation Website
  7. Western Australian Legislation
  8. Google Search
  9. Legislation Victoria
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