Best Value
Best Value is a set of principles mandated by State Governement legislation that is designed to ensure that Councils deliever best value services to their ratepayers.
Section 208A of the Victorian Local Government Act 1989 mandates that Councils must comply with the Best Value Principles, set out in Section 208B of the act, namely:
(a) all services provided by a Council must meet the quality and cost standards required by Section 208D;(b) subject to sections 3C(2)(b) and 3C(2)(e), all services provided by a Council must be responsive to the needs of its community;
(c) each service provided by a Council must be accessible to those members of the community for whom the service is intended;
(d) a Council must achieve continuous improvement in the provision of services for its community;
(e) a Council must develop a program of regular consultation with its community in relation to the services it provides;
(f) a Council must report regularly to its community on its achievements in relation to the principles set out in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).