Burdekin Shire Council is located between Townsville & Bowen in North Queensland. It covers an area of 5053 kmĀ² and had a population of 18,512 in 2006. The towns of Ayr, Home Hill, Clare, Brandon, Giru, Millaroo and Dalbeg are located within the shire.
Locality Plan
How to embed a Google Map in a page.
Software Systems
Asset Management System: TechnologyOne Asset Management / Assetic
Document/Records Management System: Unknown
Financial System: Unknown
Geographical Information System: Unknown
Contact Information
Street Address: 145 Young St, AYR QLD 4807
Postal Address: PO BOX 974, AYR QLD 4807
Phone: (07) 4783 9800
Fax: (07) 4783 9999
E-mail: ua.vog.dlq.nikedrub|csnikedrub#ua.vog.dlq.nikedrub|csnikedrub