Capital Expenditure Budget

We invite public submissions each year, before a capital works list is created, with additions from staff and long term programs, which is then provided to our Elected Members who decide on the Capital Works Program for the forthcoming year.

To assist our Elected Members on how to decide or prioritise, I created a ten-point criteria:

Priority Index:

  1. Existing Commitments / Carried Forward from previous year.
  2. Projects that are related to Safety / Critical / Business Needs.
  3. Capital Renewal - Rehabilitation - Council’s Long Term Program.
  4. Capital Renewal - Rehabilitation - Other Submissions.
  5. Capital Renewal - Upgrade/Reconstruct - Council’s Long Term Program.
  6. Capital Renewal - Upgrade/Reconstruct - Other Submissions.
  7. Capital Renewal - Replacement - Council’s Long Term Program.
  8. Capital Renewal - Replacement - Other Submissions.
  9. New Work - Council’s Long Term Program.
  10. New Work - Other Submissions.

This was introduced successfully during the 2009/2010 financial year.

Stephen Yam.
Manager Asset Services @ The Coorong District Council.

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