Carriageway Code

A Carriageway Code is an abbreviation used by some road authorities to describe certain types of roads.

Austroads Carriageway Codes

Austroads uses single letters as carriageway codes, e.g.

A - Undivided two way - no physical barrier or median separating flows
B - Divided carriageway with traffic flowing in prescribed direction
C - Divided carriageway with traffic flowing in counter direction
L - Left car park - carpark on the left hand side associated and parallel to the through carriageway
R - Right car park - carpark on the left hand side associated and parallel to the through carriageway
M - Middle car park - carpark in the centre of divided carriageway
P - Service road in prescribed direction which is accessed from the through carriageway
Q - Service road in counter direction which is accessed from the through carriageway

Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. LGAQ Asset Road and Bridge Asset Management Kit Page
  2. Google Search
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