Challenges Register
It is self evident that Local Councils (like nearly all institutions, organisations, and individuals) face a number of challenges, but what are they? Do they vary from Council to Council or are some challenges pretty much the same across the entire sector?
Surely the first step towards solving the challenges we face is to identify them?
If you've identified a challenge faced by your council or local government in general please consider adding it to the list of challenges below.
- Airport Management - there are the considerable costs to council for infrastructure maintenance and operational costs, compliance and regulation requirements
- Airport Management - difficulty in attracting income to airports
- Asset Data - improving asset data quality
- Asset Data Collection
- Asset Handover - ensuring that the staff responsible for capitalisation of assets are made aware of all new assets (gifted or constructed) in a timely manner.
- Asset Management Planning
- Asset Management Software - selecting the right system
- Asset Valuation - standardisation of valuation methodologies
- Asset Valuation - justification of condition based infrastructure valuations
- Benchmarking - locating statistics and information pertaining to like-sized councils.
- Capital Works Prioritisation - optimising expenditure
- Change Management - dealing with technological change, e.g. automated vehicles, connected vehicles
- Change Management - small councils struggle to resource change activities
- Customer Request Management - managing the amount of customer requests that come through, specifically footpath defects.
- Decision Making - improving consistency in decision making across local government.
- Duplication of Effort - reducing duplication of effort
- Electrical Vehicle Charging
- Engineering - getting engineers to understand accountants
- Facilities Management
- Finance & Accounting - getting accountants to understand engineers
- Heavy Vehicles - road access
- Infrastructure Planning
- Knowledge Management - access to expert knowledge in rural Australia
- Land Use Planning - integration with transport planing
- Leadership - local government holds expertise in service delivery at the expense of leadership, management, collaboration and innovation.
- Local Government Revenue - obtaining sufficient revenue to deliver quality services
- Maintenance Planning - improving building maintenance planning
- Open Space Assets - How to capitalise them?
- Parking Management
- Resource Sharing - working out how councils can more efficiently share resources (human, knowledge, technological and physical)
- Road Safety - choosing the best road safety treatment
- Special Interest Groups - finding sufficient members in rural areas
- Service Levels - dealing with increased community expectations
- Service Planning
- Software System Integration
- Staff Training - a lack of training and poor guidance.
- Street Lighting - coverting to LED lights / energy effiiciency
- Traffic Management
- Transport Planning - integration with land use planing.
- Unit Rates - determination of unit rates / standardisation of unit rates
- Urban Growth Management
Related Pages
External Links & References
- Google Search
- Future Streets: An Integrated Transport Strategy - Port Phillip City Council (Youtube)
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