Chris Saunders
Chris Saunders (Glenelg Shire) EL
This page has been set up as part of the Local Government Collaboration Project. It keeps track of the pages on which the above individual's name appears.
- Airport Management
- Aquatic Centre
- Asset Accounting
- Asset Componentisation
- Asset Condition Assessment
- Asset Management System
- Asset Renewal
- Asset Valuation
- Bridge
- Building
- Business Improvement Techniques
- Community Consultation
- Community Infrastructure
- Computer-aided Design
- Concrete Footpath
- Concrete Footpath Useful Life
- Condition Assessment
- Condition Assessment Systems
- Crack Sealing
- Demand Forecasting
- Driverless Car
- Driverless Vehicle
- Drone
- Environmental Sustainability
- Facilities Management
- Facility Management
- Financial Sustainability
- Flood Mapping
- Footpath Construction
- Footpath Maintenance
- Geographical Information System
- Green Asset
- Internet of Things
- Land Use Planning
- Level of Service
- Lifecycle Cost Analysis
- Life Cycle Costing
- Local Government Collaboration Survey Respondents
- Maintenance
- Maintenance Programming
- Parks and Open Space Provision
- Pavement Testing
- Plant and Equipment
- Plant & Equipment
- Playground
- Public-private Partnership
- Public Toilet Provision
- Recreational Facility
- Recycling
- Renewal
- Road
- Road Design
- Self-driving Car
- Service Level
- Service Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Street Lighting
- Swimming Pool Complex
- Traffic Congestion
- Traffic Management
- Urban Renewal
- Urban Revitalisation
- Walkability
- Waste Management
- Water Sensitive Urban Design
- Wiki