City of Melton

Melton City Council is located in the outer western suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. The City comprises several settled urban areas, the main one being the township of Melton, which lies at the western end of the City. It has an area of 527.3 square kilometres (203.6 sq mi), and at the 2006 Census the shire had a population of 78,912.

The municipality was proclaimed a City in September 2012, before then it was known as Melton Shire Council.

Locality Plan

Software Systems

Asset Management System: Assetic MyData
Document/Records Management System: Dataworks
Financial System: Civica Authority
Geographical Information System: Mapinfo Intramaps

Contact Information

Postal Address: 232 High Street, Melton
Street Address: PO Box 21, Melton, Victoria, 3337
Tel: (03) 9747 7200
Fax: (03) 9743 9970
E-mail: ua.vog.civ.notlem|usc#ua.vog.civ.notlem|usc

Site Members

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Neighbouring Councils


External Links & References

  1. Council Website
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Google Search
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