The Code of Practice for Worksite Safety - Traffic Management was created under the Victorian Road Management Act 2004.
The purpose of the Code of Practice is to provide practical guidance to any person conducting, or proposing to conduct, any works on a road in Victoria.
The Code is intended to –
(a) establish and maintain a standardised approach to the conduct of works on roads (whether on the roadway or roadside) that protects the safety of road users and persons engaged in the carrying out of such works;
(b) establish a hazard based assessment of worksite conditions to enable the identification and implementation of appropriate control measures to ensure a safe worksite;
(c) support the planning for, and management of, traffi c to pass safely through, past or around a worksite, including the preparation and implementation of a traffic management plan; and
(d) support the engagement of appropriately trained and qualifi ed persons to carry out the works or direct traffic.