Local Councils provide a wide range of services. The Council Service Hierarchy below is an attempt to systematically document and organise these services into a meaningful service hierarchy. The top level is based on the eight Council Functions listed in Section 3D of the Victorian Local Government Act 1989.

1. Advocacy - advocating and promoting proposals which are in the best interests of the local community
2. Community Services - planning for and providing services and facilities for the local community;
- Aged and Disabled Resident Support
- Community Group Support
- Economic Development
- Family Support
- Family Day Care
- Festival and Events Programming
- Fire Prevention
- Immunisation Service
- Library Service
- Litter Management and Graffiti Removal
- Local Heritage Preservation
- Maternal and Child Health Services
- Performing Arts Support
- Play Group Support
- Public Event Safety Assurance
- School Crossing Supervision
- Visual Arts Support
- Waste and Recyclables Collection
- Youth Support
3. Infrastructure Provision and Maintenance - providing and maintaining community infrastructure in the municipal district
- Cemetery Management
- Community Facility Provision
- Footpath Provision and Maintenance
- Parks and Open Space Maintenance
- Parks and Open Space Provision
- Road Network Provision and Maintenance
- Asphalt Patching
- Asphalt Regulation
- Bridge Cleaning
- Bridge Parapet Maintenance
- Bridge Structural Repairs
- Bus Shelter Cleaning
- Bus Shelter Maintenance
- Bus Shelter Replacement
- Crack Sealing
- Crushed rock Shoulder Repairs & Maintenance
- Culvert Maintenance
- Dust Suppression
- Edge Patching
- Edge Trimming
- Fence Repairs
- Guard Rail Repairs
- Guidepost and Delineator Maintenance
- Isolated Pavement Repairs
- Land Slip Clearing
- Line Marking
- Minor Bridge Repairs
- Minor Patches
- Minor Road Surface Treatment
- Noxious Weed Control
- Patch Resealing
- Pavement Cleaning
- Pothole Patching
- Service Authority Reinstatements
- Regulation of small scale rutting & general settlements
- Re-surfacing of sunken trenches & reinstatements
- Repairs to broken asphalt edges
- Rest Area Maintenance
- Road Design
- Road Drainage
- Road Inspections
- Road Rehabilitation
- Road Resurfacing
- Road Shoulder Maintenance
- Roadside Grass and Weed Control
- Roadside Litter Collection
- Roadside Maintenance
- Roadside Mowing
- Roadside Vegetation Management
- Shoulder Grading / Unsealed Shoulder Grading
- Shoulder Spot Filling Grading
- Sign Maintenance
- Sign and Pavement Marking Replacement
- Snow Clearing
- Street Furniture Maintenance
- Street Furniture Repairs
- Street Furniture Replacement
- Street Lighting
- Street Sweeping
- Street Tree Planting
- Surface Drain and Verge Maintenance
- Unsealed Road Grading
- Unsealed Road Maintenance
- Wheel Rut Regulation
- Stormwater Drainage Provision and Maintenance
- Culvert Maintenance
- Culvert Repairs
- Drain Cleaning
- Drainage Improvement Works
- Drainage Pit Cleaning
- Drainage Pit Inspections
- GPT Maintenance
- Gross Pollutant Trap Cleaning
- Gross Pollutant Trap Repairs
- Kerb and Channel Cleaning
- Kerb and Channel Maintenance
- Kerb and Channel Repairs
- Open Drain Maintenance
- Root Cutting
- Stormrmwater Drainage Design
- Stormwater Asset Inspections
- Stormwater Pipe Repairs
- Stormwater Pit Cleaning
- Stormwater Pit Lid Replacement
- Stormwater Pit Repairs
- Subsurface Drain Maintenance
- WSUD and ASR Infrastructure Management
- WSUD Infrastructure Maintenance
- Traffic Management
4. Strategic and Land Use Planning - undertaking strategic and land use planning for the municipal district
5. Revenue Raising - raising revenue to enable the Council to perform its functions
6. Local Law Enforcement - making and enforcing local laws
7. Legislated Duties - exercising, performing and discharging the duties, functions and powers of Councils under this Act and other Acts;
- Building Quality Control
- Building Regulation Administration and Enforcement
- Building Safety Inspections
- Health Standards Enforcement
- Public Health and Wellbeing Planning
- Municipal public health and wellbeing plan development
8. Peace, Order and Good Governance - any other function relating to the peace, order and good government of the municipal district
Related Pages
- Asset Hierarchy
- Council Services
- Council Service Hierarchy (Collapsed)
- Local Government Services & Activities
- Service Hierarchy
- Service Plan
- Victorian Local Government Legislative Framework
- Victorian Local Government Services Report