CT Management Group

CT Management Group are Asset Management Consultants contracted by LGAQ to run a series of workshops as part of the LG Asset Program.
They are one of the 18 consultancies approved by Local Buy in early 2008.
CT Management Group are also contracted to provide the State Local Government Associations Asset and Services Management programs in Victoria, (STEP, Broadened STEP, Advanced STEP, LG Credibility), Tasmania, (TAMI), and Western Australia, (WAAMI).
Altogether, CT Management Group are providing asset and services management and a range of complementary services to more than 150 Councils across Australia, providing a substantial resource and learning base for information sharing between all clients.
The Local Government Reform process in Queensland and the forecast amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 have triggered changes to LG Asset which has been updated to LG Asset Advanced, providing a higher level of organisational awareness of asset management and services management, plus definitive outputs and programs designed to address the new Council structures and performance reporting requirements.
The program will continue to highlight the four key principles:
Policy - ensuring that policy provisions are actually observed and implemented across the organisation
Strategy - an emphasis on the improvements necessary to achieve nominated standards of management and reporting
Plans - Asset and Service Management Plans designed around IIMM provisions plus a comprehensive appreciation of Levels of Service and Service Standards
Operations - ensuring that the organisation works harmoniously in an operational mode, all data is up to date and accurate, and the budget framework and Capital Works Program are consistent with long term sustainable performance.
LG Asset Advanced will ensure that your Council can confidently address the asset and services management needs for your community. Currently 47 of the 56 non-indigenous Queensland Councils are registered in the LG Asset Program, and will be involved in LG ASset Advanced.

CT Management Group (Queensland) are registered with Local Buy to provide Asset Management Consulting Services and Business Support Services.

CT Management Group is also proud to announce the release of DELTA-S, an Asset Activity Management Support System for day to day maintenance management of your major infrastructure assets and services, including comprehensive databases for roads, drains, water and wastewater assets, buildings, signs, parks, traffic signals, signs and almost any other application that you need. DELTA—S is a cost-effective, user-friendly, simple and bulletproof system which uses spatial connections with youur GIS to provide a complete picyure of mainteance needs. Performance against nominated Service Standards can be simply demonstrated using the reporting tools. Linkages with corporate systems extend reporting capabilities further.
More information is available from Dennis Kirby, (ua.moc.namtc|ksinned#ua.moc.namtc|ksinned, mobile 0421 312 410), or Paul Hirning, (ua.moc.dnopgib|gninrihluap#ua.moc.dnopgib|gninrihluap, mobile 0447 144 762).

CT Management Recruitment can also assist with specialist recruitment and short - medium term staff replacements, drawing from our pool of Associates in every State.

Further information can be obtained from our web-site www.ctman.com.au.

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