Department of Water (WA)

The Department of Water is the government agency that looks after all Western Australia's water.

As per their website, they:

  • Lead policy development for the best use of the state's water and to provide water services
  • Assess and advise on how much water is available for use and the options to meet demand
  • Encourage water conservation and promote clever use of alternative water sources
  • Manage and make rules for the use of water
  • Integrate water planning and land use planning
  • Protect and improve water resources
  • Work with industry, government and the community to find solutions for better water use
  • Provide easy to find information

Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. Department of Water (WA)
  2. WA Water Maps and Atlases
  3. Perth Underground Water Atlas (Java application)
  4. Google Search
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