Drainage is both the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area, and a system of drains designed to drain an area of water.
The provision of drainage infrastructure is a key Council function in all states.

Victorian Local Government Act 1989
Sections 198 to 200 of the Victorian Local Government Act 1989 deal with drainage. Section 198(1) of the act indicates that public drains within the municipal district are vested in Council.
Related Pages & References
The list below is generated automatically. To add a page to the list, add the tag "drainage" to the page.
- Allotment Drainage
- Annual Exceedance Probability
- Aquifer Recharge Station
- Aquifer Recharge System
- Australian Rainfall and Runoff
- Average Recurrence Interval
- Bioretention Basin
- Bioretention Swale
- Bioretention System
- Bio-Retention System
- Box Culvert
- Bro-Pit
- Catch Drain
- Catch Pit
- Catchment
- Causeway
- Check Dam
- Clearwater
- Combined Kerb Inlet Pit
- Community Stormwater Trainer
- Constructed Wetlands
- Conveyance Swale
- Culvert
- Culvert Maintenance
- Defined Flood Event
- Defined Flood Level
- Department of Water Stormwater & Drainage Glossary
- Design Storm
- Detention Basin
- Discharge
- Discharge Point
- Drain Cleaner
- Drain Cleaning
- Drainage Authority
- Drainage Basin
- Drainage Catchment
- Drainage Channel
- Drainage Design
- Drainage Easement
- Drainage Hierarchy
- Drainage Outfall
- Drainage Pipe
- Drainage Related Activities Checklist
- Drainage Reserve
- Drainage System
- dspec
- D-Spec
- Enclosed GPT
- Endwall
- Energy Dissipator
- Field Inlet Pit
- Floating Debris Trap
- Floating GPT
- Floating Litter Trap
- Flood Protection Barrier
- Flood Study
- Flooding
- Floodplain
- Floodway
- Glossary of Drainage Terms
- Grated Field Inlet
- Grated Field Inlet Pit
- Grated Kerb Inlet Pit
- Grated Pit
- Gross Pollutant Trap
- Gully Inlet
- Gully Pit
- Gutter Bridge
- Headwall
- Hydraulic Grade Line
- Infiltration Basin
- Inlet Pit
- Junction Pit
- Junction Structure
- Kerb & Channel
- Kerb & Gutter
- Kerb Adaptor
- Kerb and Channel Cleaning
- Kerb Inlet
- Kerb Inlet Pit
- Legal Point of Discharge
- Litter Basket
- Litter Boom
- Litter Sock
- Major Culvert
- Minor Culvert
- Mitre Drain
- Offshoot Drain
- On-site Stormwater Detention
- On-site Stormwater Detention Policy
- Open Channel
- Open Drain
- Open GPT
- Overland Flow Path
- Pipe Renewal
- Pluvial Flooding
- Probable Maximum Flood
- Queensland Urban Drainage Manual
- Rain Garden
- Rainfall Loss
- Reinforced Concrete Stormwater Pipe
- Release Net
- Retention Basin
- Road Culvert
- Road Drain
- Road Drainage
- Road Floodway
- Root Cutting
- Runoff
- Sediment Basin
- Side Entry Pit
- Side Entry Pit Trap
- Side Inlet Pit
- Stormwater
- Stormwater & Drainage Product Suppliers
- Stormwater Data Capture
- Stormwater Drain
- Stormwater Drainage
- Stormwater Drainage Provision and Maintenance
- Stormwater Glossary
- Stormwater Industry Association
- Stormwater Infrastructure
- Stormwater Installation
- Stormwater Management
- Stormwater Management Manual for Western Australia
- Stormwater Management Plan
- Stormwater Pipe
- Stormwater Pit
- Stormwater Quality Control
- Stormwater Quality Improvement Device
- Stormwater Quality Management Plan
- Sub-catchment
- Sub-Soil Drain
- Sub-surface Drain
- Surface Drain
- Swale
- Table Drain
- Trash Rack
- Trunk Drain
- Urban Stormwater Management Plan
- Water by Design
- Water Sensitive Urban Design
- Watercourse
- Waterways
- Zoom Camera Pipe Inspection (Aka QuickView)
External Links & References
- Water Maximum Glossary of Drainage Terms
- Stormwater & Drainage Overview - Department of Water (WA)
- Wikipedia
- Stormwater Design Standards - Department of Territory and Municipal Services
- D-Spec Version 7.2.1
- Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia
- Google Search
- Draft Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy (Department of Environment Land Water and Planning)