
Drainage is both the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area, and a system of drains designed to drain an area of water.

The provision of drainage infrastructure is a key Council function in all states.

Bundaberg-Ring-Road-Culvert.jpg Stormwater-Pit-01.JPG S1-Drainage-Channel1.JPG

Victorian Local Government Act 1989

Sections 198 to 200 of the Victorian Local Government Act 1989 deal with drainage. Section 198(1) of the act indicates that public drains within the municipal district are vested in Council.

Related Pages & References

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External Links & References

  1. Water Maximum Glossary of Drainage Terms
  2. Stormwater & Drainage Overview - Department of Water (WA)
  3. Wikipedia
  4. Stormwater Design Standards - Department of Territory and Municipal Services
  5. D-Spec Version 7.2.1
  6. Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia
  7. Google Search
  8. Draft Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy (Department of Environment Land Water and Planning)
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