Enteprise Resoure Planning (ERP) in Local Government

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is the technological backbone that must integrate seamlessly to all parts of local government business. It allows integration of back-office activities for Asset Management, HR/Payroll, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain & Financial Management.

ERP at Gold Coast City Council

The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Program is a major business transformation program that has been launched to implement to solution that will enable Council to integrate its core back-office activities for:

  • Asset Management including Capital Works Project Management
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resources Management (HRM)
  • Procurement

One of the key drivers for the ERP Program is to create a platform for movin our data from a number of current standalone systems onto one integrated solution that will in turn allow every directorate to store and retrieve information from One Point of Truth. This will enable us to become more efficient and effective with our day-to-day processes and ultimately provide an improved service to Council's customers.

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