One of the main objectives of this site is to try and find ways to help Councils help themselves by making it easy for them to collaborate & share information with each other. Another opportunity for collaboration is between Councils and their communities. The Australian Community Wiki Network has been set up with this in mind. It will be a place for community, sporting & other groups to tell their communities where they are and what they do, and to share information with other similar groups around Australia. It is a work-in-progress at this point in time, with only a dozen or so wikis created so far, but hopefully with time it will become a good resource for Australian communities, and possibly a neutral place where councils can interact and consult with their ratepayers. For now if you belong to a community or sporting club of some description, why not give it a visit, and give your group a free plug?
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
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