The reason this website exists is to enable Australian & New Zealand Councils to more easily share information with each other.
I believe it is self evident that open and free knowledge sharing between Councils is a good thing and that all Councils will benefit greatly by sharing information with each other. I'm pretty proud of this site, and I believe it is one of the best information sharing initiatives around, but as its creator and a major contributor I'm obviously somewhat biased.
I have documented a few other public sector knowledge sharing initiatives here and here, but I'd really like to get inside the heads of people at other Councils to see what methods of information sharing they favour, and why.
In the new year I'm going to go through my e-mail contacts and ask this very question of anyone who will listen. Hopefully I'll get a few new ideas for the site, or maybe even find a whole new way of sharing information. In the mean time, if you have any good ideas, please respond to this post, and let me know.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+