March 2010 Update
9 new members joined the site in March, bringing the total to 210.
As of 31 March, 11,705 different people have visited on a total of 19,289 occasions and viewed 112,377 pages. More people visited the site in March (2,225) than in any previous month in the site's history. There were quite a lot of visits from outside Australia including a large number from Sacramento in the USA. (Hello to anyone from Sacramento reading this news update)
There have now been visits to the site from 138 different countries. The ten countries generating the most visits are:
- Australia (14,296)
- United States (1,673)
- United Kingdom (557)
- New Zealand (517)
- Canada (348)
- South Africa (246)
- India (194)
- Malaysia (108)
- Brazil (69)
- France (64)
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+