This is actually fairly old news, but I thought it may be of interest. There are a few terms that you can search for using Google, that will return a LGAM Knowledge Base page as the first hit. "Highlift Pump Station" is one example. Go on - do a Google search on the term and see what happens. Also if you do a search for lgam + any other term, say "LGAM Road" you will get a whole lot of hits on pages from the site. This means you can use Google to search the site with out having to visit it. Backtracking a bit, if you did the search for "Highlift Pump Station" you will notice the page is a bit bare, so if you know a little about the subject, please consider adding to the page. It seems a shame to have the number one Google search spot and not make the most of it.
Happy Googling
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
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