The report notes that Bundaberg & Logan are the only Queensland Councils that have Asset Management Plans in place for all asset classes.
It is nice to hear Bundy getting a bit of praise on the Asset Management front, but to be fair, whilst it is true that we have plans covering all asset classes, they are in some cases pretty patchy and incomplete
I do think the approach we took of building a plan framework, making it public, and then filling in the gaps one step at a time is a good way of tackling the big task of developing AMPs.
The DIP was given a link to our plans, which given they are giving us a pat on the back in their report, is at least tacit support for web-based Asset Management Plans.
If you aren't as far along the Asset Management journey as you would like to be, please have a look at our plans and "steal" any ideas you can from them.
I am more than happy to help out anyone who would like to go down the web-based Asset Management Plan path.