Spent the weekend in Brisbane where my daughter lives. Fortunately high and dry.
You have to see the devastation in some areas to believe it.
Spent time Saturday helping clean up a friend's place and move damaged goods to the footpath (for pick up).
Friend's place had a metre of water in the ground floor (lounge/dining room, kitchen, toilet, laundry) - minimal damage cf other houses in the street.
Two doors down road, water over the roof. I assume everything damaged/gone. Heart breaking.
But amongst the pain, sadness and loss some real shows of the kindness and caring in human nature.
Brisbane authorities expected some 5,000-10,000 volunteers to turn up to registration centres on Saturday.
50,000 were registered with many others turned away.
2 New Zealanders (strangers) turned away from stretched rego centres, turned up at our door and worked like slaves for 3 hours helping clean up the mess at friend's place.
Amazing care and compassion.
Keep thinking innovation in 2011 and how we can help others less fortunate than us.
For more thoughts on "How the floods might drive innovation" go to Australian Flood Appeal