Hi all, I am very interested to hear about your vision for Asset Management at your organisation.
My vision is pretty simple - I can sum it up in a couple of points:
1. I want to make all asset and asset related information available to everyone within our organisation via an encyclopedic interface.
2. I want to develop a culture where all where all asset management related knowledge is freely, openly and enthusiastically exchanged with other Councils in order to reduce duplication of effort within our Council and across the Local Government sector as a whole.
With regard to point (1) I'd like to add that I think that documents with rigid structures are very limiting - and the the way of the future is to store information in a modular way, and to aggregate it back up to suit a need or satisfy an external requirement. For example it should be possible to generate a live graph in HTML format with a unique URL showing the condition profile of your road network using your asset management system. This graph could be simulataneously embedded in your Asset Management Plan, your Road Management Plan, and on your Council Encyclopedia page about Road Condition.
A person interested in road condition would search the Council Encyclopedia, but at the same time the AMP and RMP would be automatically updated. (It may be necessary to create PDF snapshots of some documents for various purposes, but on the whole I believe live documents are much more useful.)
Anyway that's my vision. What's yours?
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
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