It is hard to believe, but the Local Government & Municipal Knowledge Base will be 5 years old on Sunday the 13th of October.
In 5 years the site has notched up over 750 members and 900,000 page views and as an added bonus it does very well in Google Search rankings, with many pages being the No.1 result for searches.
By many measures the site is doing much better than I imagined it might when I set it up, but one thing I don't think the site has managed to do so far is to convince the management of many Councils of the value of wikis as internal and external collaboration tools.
I passionately believe that Councils need to become more collaborative, and that the use of wikis is a very good way to both encourage collaboration and organise corporate knowledge.
I am going to make it my personal goal to trying and convince many more Councils of the value of wikis and collaboration over the next 5 years, and I hope what I have done with the site so far, is only the start of something much bigger.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
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