Generic Queensland AMP for Stormwater Drainage Networks

1. Introduction and Overview

This Asset Management Plan (AMP) is based on the minimum requirement for asset management plans in Queensland.

1.1 Scope

The following classes and sub-classes are covered by this plan:

  • Drainage Basins
  • Open Channels
  • Stormwater Drains
  • Stormwater Pits
  • SQIDs & GPTs

1.2 Quantitative Data

Council is responsible for

  • x Drainage Basins
  • x km of Open Channel
  • x km of Stormwater Drains
  • x Stormwater Pits
  • x SQIDs & GPTs

2. Service Levels

The following service levels have been derived from Service Planning

2.1 Required Service Levels

Problem Intervention Level Remedy Response Time
Blocked Drain flow reduced by ?% Remove Rubbish ? days
Broken Pit Lid condition score = ? Replace Lid ? days
Long grass in open channel length > ?mm Slash Grass ? days

2.2 Actual Service Levels

Problem Intervention Level Remedy Response Time
Blocked Drain flow reduced by ?% Remove Rubbish ? days
Broken Pit Lid condition score = ? Replace Lid ? days
Long grass in open channel length > ?mm Slash Grass ? days

3. Future Demand

The following Future Demand Forecasts have been derived from Corporate Planning and Service Planning

3.1 Future requirements associated with corporate plans or operational plans

3.2 Known or possible areas for expansion

There are several factors that may effect the demand for and on stormwater drainage assets.

  • New Subdivisions
  • Population Growth
  • Changes in Land Use
  • Climate Change
  • Changes to Governnment Policy & Regulations

* Asset classes and potential acquisition dates
* Cost estimates
* Impact on service levels, asset lifecycle and financial considerations

4. Lifecycle Management and Financial Considerations

4.1 Useful Life

The useful life of most stormwater drainage assets will depend on a range of environmental factors. The estimated useful lives given below are best guess averages.

Asset Sub-class Useful Life Average RUL Annual Depreciation
Drainage Basins ? years ? years $?
Open Channels ? years ? years $?
Stormwater Drains 100 years ? years $?
Stormwater Pits ? years ? years $?
SQIDs & GPTs ? years ? years $?

4.2 Valuation

The figures below were calculated by applying unit rates to the known quantities of stormwater drainage assets.
The values given were true and correct as of dd/month/year.

Asset Sub-class Replacement Cost Written Down Replacement Cost
Drainage Basins $? $?
Open Channels $? $?
Stormwater Drains $? $?
Stormwater Pits $? $?
SQIDs & GPTs $? $?

4.3 Maintenance Activities

Council performs a number of maintenance activities in relation to stormwater drainage assets, including:

  • Condition Inspections - stormwater drainage assets are inspected every ? years/months.
  • GPT Clearing - rubbish is removed from GPTs every ? months.
  • Slashing - grass lined open drains & drainage basins are slashed every ? months
  • Stormwater Pit lid replacement - stormwater pit lids are replaced as required.

Maintenance Expenditure is detailed in the table below.

Asset Sub-class Annual Maintenance Expenditure
Drainage Basins $?
Open Channels $?
Stormwater Drains $?
Stormwater Pits $?
SQIDs & GPTs $?

4.4 Renewal/Replacement Plan

Council's Stormwater Drainage Renewal/Replacement Plan is based the estimated RULs of individual assets in Council's Asset Register.

Projected Stormwater Drainage Renewal Expenditure
Asset Sub-class Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Drainage Basins $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Open Channels $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Stormwater Drains $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Stormwater Pits $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
SQIDs & GPTs $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?

4.5 Creation/Acquisition Plan

Council's Stormwater Drainage Creation/Acquisition Plan details projected new and upgrade capital expenditure on stormwater drainage assets over a ten year period.

Projected Stormwater Drainage New and Upgrade Capital Expenditure
Asset Sub-class Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Drainage Basins $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Open Channels $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Stormwater Drains $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Stormwater Pits $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
SQIDs & GPTs $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?

4.6 Disposal Plan

Council's Stormwater Drainage Disposal Plan details the proposed timing of asset retirements/disposals and the estimated residual values of assets being retired or disposed of.

Projected residual value of future stormwater drainage retirements & disposals
Asset Sub-class Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Drainage Basins $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Open Channels $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Stormwater Drains $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
Stormwater Pits $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?
SQIDs & GPTs $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $? $?

4.7 Risk Management Plan

Council recognises 4 levels of risk, low, medium, high and extreme. These risk associated with a given hazard is calculated in accordance with Councils Risk Management Policy using the following risk matrix.

Possible Risks & Mitigation Options
Hazard Level of Risk Mitigation Strategy
Drowning in Open Drain High Warning Signs/Restrict Access

* Identification of risks
* Identification of risk mitigation strategies

5. Asset Management Practices

  • Details the information systems to be used and the standards and guidelines used to make decisions on asset management

6. Improvement and Monitoring

6.1 Known data quality issues

  • Identification of any known issues with the quality of the data, forecasts, estimates, etc.

6.2 Data quality issue mitigation

  • Actions taken to mitigate the known issues

6.3 Estimate Reliability

  • Commentary on the reliability of the estimates contained within the plan.
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