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Allotment Drainage
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 02:52
Allotment Drainage is a system of field gullies, manhole chambers and underground pipes constructed within private property to convey flows through and from allotments.
Aquifer Recharge System
by Wayne Eddy 20 Jul 2009 04:44
An Aquifer Recharge System is a system for pumping or otherwise transferring stormwater or treated wastewater from a surface storage into an aquifer.
Bioretention Swale
by Wayne Eddy 25 May 2010 23:14
A bioretention swale is a swale with a bioretention system installed in its base.
Bioretention System
by Wayne Eddy 18 May 2010 05:29
A Bioretention System is a system that uses vegetation to reduce downstream flow velocities and subsequent drain sizes whilst facilitating treatment. Bio-retention systems combine various Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) treatment types in one 'treatment train'. A system is designed to carry out primary and/or secondary treatment processes of stormwaters and retard flows. This retention or retardation can enable sediments to precipitate out of the water taking along with it some pollutants. The use of biological processes to 'treat' stormwater whilst facilitating conveyance and retention gives rise to the title of Bio-retention.
Bio-Retention System
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 03:54
A Bioretention System is a system that uses vegetation to reduce downstream flow velocities and subsequent drain sizes whilst facilitating treatment. Bio-retention systems combine various Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) treatment types in one 'treatment train'. A system is designed to carry out primary and/or secondary treatment processes of stormwaters and retard flows. This retention or retardation can enable sediments to precipitate out of the water taking along with it some pollutants. The use of biological processes to 'treat' stormwater whilst facilitating conveyance and retention gives rise to the title of Bio-retention.
A Bioretention System is typically a well-vegetated, retention cell or pond designed to enhance water filtration through a specially prepared sub-surface sand filter. Bio-retention cells may be incorporated into grass or vegetated swales or may be a stand-alone treatment system. The system incorporates vegetation with medium-term stormwater retention and sub-surface filtration/infiltration.
Incorporating Trees into Bioretention Systems
Prioritising Biorention System Maintenance
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Box Culvert
by Wayne Eddy 18 Dec 2009 20:31
A Box Culvert is a П-shaped reinforced concrete structure used in civil engineering works, including; drainage and road works. Box culverts are most commonly used as an alternative to drainage pipes where design constraints limit the amount of cover available, but are also used in the construction of of a range of other assets including; pedestrian underpasses.
by Wayne Eddy 30 Jul 2009 05:34
A Bro-Pit is a precast Side Inlet Pit manufactured by Rocla.
Catch Drain
by Wayne Eddy 29 Oct 2010 06:24
A catch drain is a small surface channel constructed to intercept and divert runoff away from cut slopes, embankments, disturbed areas, and stockpiles.
Catch Pit
by Wayne Eddy 27 Jul 2009 00:58
A catch pit is a stormwater pit located at the end of a drainage channel used to settle out solids before the flow enters a stormwater drain.
by Wayne Eddy 29 Oct 2010 06:26
A causeway is a raised carriageway across wet or low areas or across tidal water.
Constructed Wetlands
by Wayne Eddy 10 Mar 2010 04:26
A constructed wetlands is a shallow pool of water, characterised by extensive areas of emergent aquatic plants/macrophytes, designed to support a wide range of micro-organisms and plants associated with the breakdown and trapping of nutrients. Wetlands may be designed as permanent wet basins (perennial) or ephemeral systems.
by Wayne Eddy 09 Oct 2009 05:30
A culvert is a conduit used to enclose a flowing body of water. It may be used to allow water to pass underneath a road, railway, or embankment for example. Culverts can be made of many different materials; steel, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and concrete are the most common. Formerly, construction of stone culverts was common.
Design Storm
by DDanielsson 04 Feb 2013 21:15
Design Storm is the Average Recurrence Interval, ARI, of a storm for which the stormwater system is designed.
Detention Basin
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 05:19
A Detention Basin is a large, open, free draining basin that temporarily “detains” collected stormwater runoff. These basins are normally maintained in a dry condition between storm events.
Drainage Catchment
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 05:28
A drainage catchment is the area of land contributing stormwater runoff to a given point.
Drainage Channel
by Wayne Eddy 19 Jan 2009 03:46
A Drainage Channel (also Open Drain) is an unenclosed earthen, grass, concrete, stone or gabion lined structure for transporting stormwater.
Drainage Reserve
by Wayne Eddy 03 Dec 2009 03:37
A Drainage Reserve is a parcel of land set aside for drainage purposes. Drainage Reserves usually contain either a drainage basin or an open drain.
Drainage System
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 05:34
A drainage system is a system of gully inlets, pipes, overland flow paths, open channels, culverts and detention basins used to convey stormwater runoff to its receiving waters. In urban areas stormwater runoff volumes are typically greater than they were prior to urbanisation because of increased impervious areas within catchments. Drainage systems are designed to reduce the risk of council, community and private assets being damaged by localised flooding as a result of these increased runoff volumes.
Enclosed GPT
by Wayne Eddy 30 Jul 2009 06:35
An Enclosed GPT is a type of Gross Pollutant Trap consisting of a fully enclosed trash rack and/or sediment collection sump usually located at or near the end of a stormwater pipe
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