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Field Inlet Pit
by Wayne Eddy 30 Jul 2009 05:19
A field inlet pit is a grated stormwater pit designed to drain a low point. Field inlet pits are typically located in parks, footpaths, medians and similar locations.
Floating GPT
by Wayne Eddy 31 Jul 2009 00:01
A Floating GPT is a type of Gross Pollutant Trap consisting of a partial channel-width floating boom directing floating litter and debris into a floating pollutant retention cage.
Flood Protection Barrier
by DDanielsson 08 Feb 2013 00:48
A Flood Protection Barrier is a structure specially designed to temporarily protect properties during a flood event. Various proprietary, rapid deployment systems have been engineered, ranging from water or air inflatable tubes to self filling water barriers and fold-up steel wall systems.
by Wayne Eddy 14 May 2010 03:51
Flooding is the inundation of land with water. It is occurs when a water course overflows its banks, or where rainfall intensity over a period of time is so great that the drainage infrastructure within an area is unable to cope with the resulting runoff.
by Wayne Eddy 27 Oct 2010 06:32
A floodway is either:
a) that part of the floodplain specifically designed to carry flood flows and ideally capable of containing the Defined Flood Event.
b) a section of road designed to be overtopped by floodwater during relatively low average recurrence interval (ARI) floods.
Grated Field Inlet Pit
by Wayne Eddy 27 Jul 2009 06:14
A Grated Field Inlet Pit is a type of Stormwater Pit designed to receive stormwater through a grate in the top of the pit.
Grated Kerb Inlet Pit
by Wayne Eddy 03 Aug 2009 06:40
A Grated Kerb Inlet Pit is a stormwater pit with a grated inlet located within the tray of the kerb & channel.
Grated Pit
by Wayne Eddy 27 Jul 2009 06:23
A Grated Pit is a type of Stormwater Pit incorporating a metal grate to stop the ingress of rubbish into the pit.
Gross Pollutant Trap
by Wayne Eddy 16 Jul 2009 06:05
A Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) is a device designed to trap coarse pollutants in stormwater. A GPT can be installed on drain entrances, outfalls, open channels or underground pipe systems.
Gully Inlet
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 05:59
The Queensland Urban Drainage Manual uses the term "gulley inlet" in defining the term "Drainage System, but does not explicitly define it. It is presumably a type of kerb inlet.
by Wayne Eddy 31 Jul 2009 05:10
A Headwall (also Endwall) is a small retaining wall placed at the inlet or outlet of a stormwater pipe or culvert. It serves to minimise vegetation growth and reduce erosion around the culvert inlet and outlet. Although the terms headwall and endwall tend to get used interchangeably it may be more correct to call a retaining wall at a pipe inlet a headwall and a retaining wall at a pipe outlet an endwall.7
Hydraulic Grade Line
by Wayne Eddy 09 Apr 2011 11:02
A hydraulic grade line (HGL) is a plot of the pressure along a fluid path. The pressure is the sum of pressure head and elevation head at any point along a fluid path.
Inlet Pit
by Wayne Eddy 11 Aug 2009 06:30
An inlet pit is a stormwater pit with an opening or grate designed to allow stormwater to enter.
Junction Pit
by Wayne Eddy 31 Jul 2009 00:50
A junction pit is a stormwater pit lacking an surface inlet of any type.
Junction Structure
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 03:15
A junction structure is a manhole, pit or chamber constructed at the junction of two or more pipes, or at a change of grade.
Kerb Inlet
by Wayne Eddy 29 Jul 2009 06:15
A kerb inlet is an inlet to a stormwater pit located behind or adjacent to a section of kerb & channel.
Kerb Inlet Pit
by Wayne Eddy 11 Aug 2009 23:29
A kerb inlet pit is a stormwater pit located under or behind a section of kerb & channel with an opening and/or grate designed to allow stormwater to enter.
Litter Basket
by Wayne Eddy 15 Jan 2010 03:33
A Litter Basket is an in-pipe litter and debris collection basket installed within a junction pit of a piped stormwater drainage system.
Major Culvert
by Wayne Eddy 07 Nov 2008 03:08
A major culvert is a culvert (or more commonly multiple culverts laid side by side) of large enough size to be treated more like a bridge over a water course than a pipe under a road.
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