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Acronyms . A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z . All |
Maintenance Zone - A maintenance zone is a defined geographical area, in which maintenance is carried out in a particular way.
Major Collector Street - A major collector street is a street that collects traffic from surrounding access streets and/or minor collector streets and carries traffic volumes between 3000 - 6000 vpd.
Major Culvert - A major culvert is a culvert (or more commonly multiple culverts laid side by side) of large enough size to be treated more like a bridge over a water course than a pipe under a road.
Major Flooding - Major Flooding results in the inundation of large areas of land, isolating towns and cities. Major roads and rail links are closed. Evacuation of houses and businesses are likely.
Management System - A management system is a combination of people, equipment, communications, computer systems, performance standards, guidelines and procedures designed to help an organisation achieve the performance standards it sets for itself.
Management Tool - A management tool is a device or structured methodology designed to help managers manage more effectively.
Manhole - Manhole is an alternate (and possibly politically incorrect) name for an access chamber. Generally manhole refers to sewer maintenance hole.
Manual Handling - Manual Handling is the use of the human body to lift, lower, fill, empty, or carry loads.
Manufactured Aggregate - Aggregate can be either manufactured or natural. While natural aggregate is usually rocks extracted from a quarry and then crushed to suitable sizes, manufactured aggregate is derived from the by-products of other manufacturing processes.
Market Value - The market value of an asset is the estimated amount for which it should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion.
Material Change of Use - Material change of use is a Town Planning term relating to a premises.
Materiality - Materiality is a concept or convention within auditing and accounting relating to the importance/significance of an amount, transaction, or discrepancy.
Median - A median or median strip is a (typically) raised central strip which separates opposing lanes of traffic on a divided road.
Meeting Agenda - A Meeting Agenda is a document consisting of a list of items to be raised and/or discussed at a meeting. An agenda usually states the time and place of the meeting and often contains list of expected attendees.
Metropolitan Park - A Metropolitan Park is a major recreation or sports park that offers a wide variety of opportunities to a broad cross section of residents of a planning scheme area. Metropolitan Park are large in size and well known amongst residents, these parks are major destinations within a planning scheme area.
Microbial Fuel Cell - A Microbial Fuel Cell is a device which uses microbes to clean wastewater and generate electricity in the process. This technology has obvious benefits for water boards & those Councils responsible for waste water treatment.
Mind Map - A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing.
Minor Collector Street - A minor collector street is a street that collects traffic from surrounding access streets and carries traffic volumes of up to 3000 vpd.
Minor Culvert - A minor culvert is a relatively small road culvert or number of small culverts laid side by side. The difference between a minor culvert and a major culvert is its span. In a number of Australian states culverts are considered to be minor if they span less than 6 metres.
Minor Flooding - Minor flooding results in closing of minor roads and in some instances the submergence of low bridges.
Minor Road - A minor road is the road that does not have priority at an unsignalised intersection.
Mission Statement - A mission statement is a formal, short, written statement of the purpose of an organisation. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organisation, spell out its overall goal, provide a sense of direction, and guide decision-making.
Mitre Drain - A mitre drain (also offshoot drain) is an open drain designed to divert runoff from a table drain or road shoulder away from a road.
Moderate Flooding - Moderate Flooding is flooding that results in inundation of low lying areas. Livestock and evacuation of some houses may be necessary. Some bridges carrying major traffic may need to be closed.
Modern Equivalent Asset - A modern equivalent asset (also modern equivalent replacement asset) is a notional asset with which an existing asset's service potential would be restored on deprival using the latest technology available in the normal course of business.
Motorway - A Motorway is a type of controlled access highway. The functionality of a motorway is exactly the same as that of a freeway, but the term is more generic in that a motorway can be a tollway or can contain sections that are tolled.
Multi-modal Pathway - A multi-modal pathway is a pathway that is designed and constructed to meet the needs of the broadest range of potential users. It should be suitable for mobility impaired persons, able bodied persons of all ages, and people using wheeled recreational craft such as; bikes, walking frames, roller blades, motorised buggies, prams, skateboards & wheelchairs.
Multi-storey Car Park - A multi-storey car park is a building (or part thereof) which is designed specifically to be for car parking and where there are a number of floors or levels on which parking takes place. It is essentially a stacked car park.
Municipal Building Surveyor - A Municipal Building Surveyor is a building surveyor employeed by a Council.
Municipal District - A Municipal District is a district under the local government of a Council.
Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre - A Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre (MECC) is a facility which brings together key agencies, to coordinate the provision of council and community resources during an emergency for the response and recovery effort. The MECC facilitates activities of key personnel from local and state government agencies, emergency services and others as required to assist.
Municipal Emergency Management Plan - A Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) is an Emergency Management Plan that Victorian Councils must prepare and maintain under the Victorian Emergency Management Act 1986.
Municipal Emergency Planning Committee - A Municipal Emergency Planning Committee is a committe appointed by a Council under Section 21C of the Victorian Emergency Management Act 1986.
Municipal Emergency Resource Officer - A Municipal Emergency Resource Officer (MERO) is a municipal appointee responsible to the municipal council for ensuring the co-ordination of municipal resources to be used in emergency response.
Municipal Fire Prevention Plan - A Municipal Fire Prevention Plan (MFPP) is a strategic plan that deals with all fire risks in a municipality by assisting in the reduction of or minimises the risk of fire events that cause loss of life, livelihood, community assets and adverse damage to the environment.
Municipal Public Road - A Municipal Public Road is a municipal road which is also a public road within the meaning of section 17 of the Victorian Road Management Act 2004.
Municipal Road - A municipal road is a road for which a municipality is responsible.
Museum - A museum is a building or institution that houses and cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary.
Name & Address Register - A Name & Address Register (NAR) is a database that is used to store the names and addresses of the people and entities that a company deals with.
National Asset Management Assessment Framework - They National Asset Management Assessment Framework (NAMAF) is a methodology for assessing the maturity of a Council's Asset Management practices and processes.
Natural Reserve - A natural reserve is a protected area of importance for wildlife, flora, fauna or features of geological or other special interest, which is reserved and managed for conservation and to provide special opportunities for study or research.
Natural Surface Road - A natural surface road is a formed road, that is a road on which no surface has been laid.
Navigation Tree - A navigation tree is a graphical user interface, that displays a hierarchical data structure in an expandable tree like diagram.
Neighbourhood Park - A neighbourhood park is typically a small park, usually between 0.25 to 2 hectares in area. They typically have playground facilities and are located within 400m distance of residential areas. Parents with young children are the main users. They may be linked with or adjacent to cycleways, Pedestrian Parkland and Laneways. A Local Neighbourhood Park (0.25 to 1 ha) may become integral to the design of a residential neighbourhood where its smaller size provides a site for safe play by children under surveillance by adults. A Central Neighbourhood Park (0.5 to 2 ha) may be located adjacent to or surrounding a Neighbourhood Sportsground or Informal Use Oval.
Nessie Curve Analysis - The Nessie Curve is an Australian infrastructure asset management tool developed by Haydn Reynolds, that graphically depicts the annual replacement needs in a particular utility, based on when the assets were installed and how long they are expected to last.
Network Asset - A network asset is an asset that is considered to be part of a network. Network assets are interconnected assets that rely on each other to provide a service. If a network asset is removed the system may not function to full capacity.
New - New in the local government sphere usually means recently made or created. It is one of the three main types of capital expenditure, along with upgrade & renewal.
No of Customers Serviced - Number of customers serviced can refer to water or sewer pipes servicing a population. For example, a 150 mm sewer pipe has sufficient capacity for 600 persons. Or a water main may have the capacity to service 1000 persons.
Noise Barrier - A noise barrier (also called a soundwall, noise wall, sound berm, sound barrier, or acoustical barrier) is an exterior structure designed to protect sensitive land uses from noise pollution. Noise barriers are the most effective method of mitigating roadway, railway, and industrial noise sources – other than cessation of the source activity or use of source controls.
Non-Current Asset - A non-current asset is an asset that is expected to be consumed over more than one financial year.
Non-Destructive Testing - Non-destructive testing is a method of testing the properties of materials without the need to take samples and therefore resulting in damage to the material.
Non-road Infrastructure - The Victorian Road Management Act 2004 defines non-road infrastructure as infrastructure in, on, under or over a road which is not road infrastructure.
Notice of Incident - A notice of incident is a written notice given to a Council (the responsible road authority) by a person who proposes to commence legal proceeding in court based on a claim in relation to an incident arising out of the condition of a public road or infrastructure. The notice of incident must be prepared in accordance with section 115 of the Victorian Road Management Act 2004 and Regulation 401 of Road Management (General) Regulations 2005.
Obsolescence - Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an asset is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order. Obsolescence frequently occurs because a replacement has become available that is superior in one or more aspects.
Occupational Health & Safety - Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) also known as Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S) is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment.
Offshoot Drain - "offshoot drain" is an alternate name for a mitre drain, i.e. an open drain designed to divert runoff from a table drain or road shoulder away from a road.
Off-Street Parking - Off-Street Parking is parking that is located outside of the confines of a road carriageway. In the case where the road reserve is wide enough, off-street parking may be located partially or totally within the road reserve but separated from the road carriageway by a median.
On-line Manual - An On-line Manual is a product manual that is available on-line.
On-Street Parking - On-Street Parking is parking spaces provided on a road carriageway between the through traffic lanes and the kerb and channel.
Open Collaborative Design - Open Collaborative Design involves applying principles from the remarkable free and open-source software movement that provides a powerful new way to design physical objects, machines and systems. All information involved in creating the object or system is made available on the Internet – such as text, drawings, photographs and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models – so that other people can freely re-create it, or help contribute to its further evolution. It is essentially the same principle that is used to progress scientific knowledge.
Open Drain - Open Drain -> Drainage Channel
Open Government - Open Government is the governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight.
Open GPT - An Open GPT is a Gross Pollutant Trap consisting of a combined sediment basin and trash rack usually located at the downstream end of a stormwater pipe or a constructed drainage channel.
Open Standard - An open standard is a standard that is publicly available and has various rights to use associated with it.
Operating Expenditure - Operating expenditure (OPEX) is recurrent expenditure related to normal business operations. Operating expenditure includes administrative and selling expenses but excludes interest, taxes, and cost of goods sold.
Operating Pressure - Operating Pressure is the internal mains pressure that occurs at a particular time and at a particular point in a water supply system.
Operating Revenue - Operating Revenue is net sales revenue and other amounts accruing from the primary business operations of an organisation.
Operation - Operation is the act of utilising an asset. Asset operation will typically consume materials and energy.
Operational Activity - An Operational Activity is an activity that consumes materials and/or energy, but does not extend or maintain an asset's useful life.
Operational Plan - An Operational Plan is a plan prepared by Councils (and other organisations) on an annual basis.
Operational Service Level - An operational service level is a service level associated with the operation of an asset.
Operational Works Decision Notice - An Operational Works Decision Notice is a document that details a Council's requirements under a planning scheme for any works carried out by developers and/or their contractors.
Organisational Productivity - Organisational Productivity is the capacity of an organisation, institution, or business to produce desired results with a minimum expenditure of energy, time, money, personnel, materiel, etc.
Outer Separator - An outer separator is the portion of a road reserve that separates the main through carriageway of a road from an adjacent service road.
Overflow Relief Gully - An Overflow Relief Gully (ORG) is a type of exterior drain which allows sewage to overflow to the exterior of the residence if a sewer blockage occurs.
Overland Flow Path - An overland flow path is an above-ground component of a drainage system that caters for overland flows that occur when underground drainage pipes reach their capacity and cannot cope with more run-off from heavy rainfall. Overland flow paths can be low-lying natural drainage paths, open space floodway channels, road reserves, pavement expanses or any other flow paths that can convey flows when the Minor Drainage System reaches capacity.
Owner - The owner of an asset is the person or entity that has exclusive rights and control over that asset, whether it be an object, land/real estate or intellectual property.
Oxygen Dosing Station - An Oxygen Dosing Station is a device designed to dose sewage with oxygen.
Package Sewage Treatment Plant - A package sewage treatment plant is a compact sewage treatment system suitable for treating the waste generated by populations of up to 5000 people.
Paleoflood - A Paleoflood is a flood that has occurred before historical records were kept. Data on such floods can be derived from geological and botanical information. The collection and analysis of pre-historical flood data to identify paleofloods, is called paleohydrology.
Paper Road - A Paper Road is a road reserve created on a plan of subdivision for the purpose of creating a residential address, emergency vehicle access or pedestrian and bicycle access. Usually located at the front of allotments overlooking public open space when vehicle access is available form a rear laneway.
Parent Asset - A parent asset is the asset that a particular asset component belongs to.
Parent Facility - A parent facility is the facility within which a particular asset is located.
Park - A park is a bounded area of land, usually in its natural or semi-natural (landscaped) state and set aside for some purpose, usually to do with recreation.
Park Furniture - Park furniture is a collective term for park benches, seat shelters and similar pieces of equipment installed within parks.
Park Hierarchy - A park hierarchy is an asset hierarchy for parks.
Parking Bay - A Parking Bay is a single marked parking space.
Parking Lane - A parking lane is a lane within the road carriageway, and typically immediately adjacent the kerb used for vehicle parking.
Passive Asset - Passive Asset refers to below ground assets such as water and sewer mains.
Pathway - A pathway is a footpath, bicycle path or other area constructed or developed by a responsible road authority for use by members of the public other than with a motor vehicle.
Pathway Reserve - A Pathway Reserve is a generally narrow open space reserve located between private property and linking reserves such as roads and open space on either side.
Patrol Grading - The term Patrol Grading is used to describe the grading of unsealed roads. It is very similar to, and is sometimes used interchangeably with the term Maintenance Grading. If there is a difference between the two terms it is probably that patrol grading is seen as more of a go out and look for problems and fix them when you find them activity, and maintenance grading is a more scheduled activity where the whole of the road is graded irrespective of condition.
Pattern of Consumption - A pattern of consumption is a graph of the rate of consumption of an asset's service potential.
Pavement Condition Index - A Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is a numerical score given to a road pavement to represent its condition.
Pavement Deformation - Pavement deformation is the change in a road surface from the intended construction profile.
Pavement Integrity Index - Pavement Integrity Index (PII) is a combined index of the pavement faults in sealed road surfaces used widely in New Zealand. It is a ‘weighted sum’ of the pavement defects divided by total lane length. PII combines surface faults (CI) with rutting and shoving.
Pavement Management System - A Pavement Management System is a software system designed to manage road seals & pavements. A system typically uses road hierarchy & condition information and to produce suggested optimal maintenance and reconstruction programs.
Pavement Marking - Pavement Marking or Road Marking is any markers, lines, words or symbols painted on or affixed to a road surface designed to instruct or assist motorists and/or the process of creating those marks.
Paver - A paver is a pre-cast piece of concrete or brick commonly used in exterior hardscaping applications.
Paving - The term paving can mean a paved surface such as paving stones, bricks, concrete or asphalt, or the act of constructing that surface.
Pedestrian - A pedestrian is a person travelling by foot along a road, road reserve or footpath.
Pedestrian Access Way - A Pedestrian Access Way is a narrow strip of land providing pedestrian access to and between facilities such as a parks and roadside footpaths. It is common for example for a pedestrian access way to allow pedestrians to move between the ends of adjacent cul-de-sacs that are separated by a long distance by road.
Pedestrian Crossing - A pedestrian crossing is a section of road marked with white stripes designed to afford pedestrians a safe place to cross.
Pedestrian Operated Signals - Pedestrian Operated Signals are traffic signals that are activated in response to a pedestrian pressing a button.
Pedestrian Signals - Pedestrian Signals are the Symbolic Walk / Don't Walk signals found at signalised intersections, and at mid-block pedestrian crossings controlled by Traffic Lights.
Pedestrian Tunnel - [[include pedestrian-underpass]]
Pedestrian Underpass - A Pedestrian Underpass or Pedestrian Tunnel is a a specially constructed underpass for pedestrians and/or cyclists beneath a road or railway, allowing them to reach the other side in safety.
Penstock Valve - A penstock valve, is a large square slide style valve used as a flow stop, as in a well inlet, mounted flush to a wall.
Performance Measure - A Performance Measure is a quantitative measurement of an aspect of an organisation's products, processes or services.
Periodic Maintenance - Periodic Maintenance is similar to, but more extensive than routine maintenance. Typically, periodic maintenance involves programmed clearing, programmed painting and programmed upgrades.
Personal Protective Equipment - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is any protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury by blunt impacts, electrical hazards, heat, chemicals, and infection, for job-related occupational safety and health purposes.
Picnic Area - A Picnic Area is an area within a park where members of the public can sit and eat.
Picnic Shelter - A Picnic Shelter is an open structure designed to protect seats and tables and any people dining on them from the rain. Picnic shelters are typically found within parks and similar facilities.
Picnic Table - A picnic table (also Park Table) is a table usually with attached bench seats located in a public place like a park for the use of visitors.
Pipe Bursting - Pipe Bursting is a trenchless method of replacing buried pipelines.
Pipe Fitting - A pipe fitting is a component of a pipeline, other than a pipe, which allows pipeline deviation, change of direction or bore.
Pipe fitting or pipefitting is the occupation of installing or repairing piping or tubing systems that convey liquid, gas, and occasionally solid materials. This work involves selecting and preparing pipe or tubing, joining it together by various means, and the location and repair of leaks.
Pit Depth Measurement - Pit depth measurement is a condition assessment technique that can be used to assess the condition of metallic pipes.
Place Name - A place name is the name of a city, town, township, suburb or locality.
Plan of Subdivision - A Plan of Subdivision (also Subdivision Plan) is a plan prepared by a land surveyor showing parcels of land intended for individual sale. Plans of Subdivision need to be approved a planning authority such as a Council prior to the sale of the individual land parcels.
Planned Maintenance - Planned maintenance is maintenance organised and carried out with forethought, control and the use of records to a predetermined plan.
Planning - Planning is the process of considering possible futures and putting into place mechanisms that increase the likelyhood of the future most acceptable to an idividual or organisation being realsied.
Playground - A Playground is a structured children's play area containing play equipment.
Playground Equipment - Playground Equipment is any play equipment installed within a playground.
Pluvial Flooding - Pluvial Flooding is the result of localised heavy rain generating surface runoff that exceeds the capacity of the stormwater system.
Pluviometer - A pluviometer is a rain gauge used to collect and measure precipitation, usually over a 24 hour period.
Position Description - A Position Description is a document that describes the duties and the responsibilities of a particular role within an organisation.
PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL is an enterprise class Open Source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) much like Oracle or SQL Server. Postgresql allows organisations to build multiple databases and manage them from a single location. Postgresql is very scalable, comes equipped with a procedural language (like Oracles PLSQL) for developers, supports features like triggers, and has a host of other features. Postgresql has been under development for around 15 years and is a very mature, well supported product that ultimately provides a strong foundation on which to build enterprise solutions.
Potable Water - Potable water is water of sufficiently high quality that it can be consumed or used without risk of immediate or long term harm.
Pothole - A pothole is a hole in a road pavement, frequently rounded in shape, resulting from the loss of pavement material under traffic.
Practical Completion - Practical Completion is that stage in the execution of the work under a Contract when—
Pram Crossing - A pram crossing (also kerb ramp) is a modified section of kerb & channel or a small bridge-like structure that allows prams, shopping trolleys, wheelchairs, and similar wheeled devices to transition smoothly from the footpath to the roadway.
Predictive Maintenance - Predictive Maintenance is synonymous with Preventive Maintenance.
Preschool - A preschool is a facility designed to accomodate pre-school children and their teachers.
Pressure Class - The pressure class refers to the pressure rating of a pipe. The rating is the minimum pressure and temperature at which the pipe is likely to burst. Different pipe materials will have different pressure classes.
Pressure Grouting - Pressure Grouting is the injecting of a grout material under pressure into a void.
Pressure Main - A pressure main is a pipeline that carries a fluid (typically water or sewage) at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure.
Pressure Nominal - Pressure Nominal (PN) is a term used to describe the pressure that a PE Pipe is designed to safely withstand.
Pressure Reducing Valve - A pressure reducing valve (PRV) is a valve used to reduce the pressure to a pre-set downstream pressure.
Pressure Relief Valve - A pressure relief valve (PRelV) is a type of valve used to limit pressure surges within the water main system. A pressure relief valve is designed to open when a preset maximum pressure is reached. These valves are also known as Safety Relief Valves.
For information on choosing type and size of a PRelV, refer to WSA03 2002 Water Supply Code of Australia.
Pressure Sustaining Valve - A pressure sustaining valve (PSV) is a type of valve that maintains pre-set minimum downstream pressure. This valve type is very similar to a safety relief valve.
Pressure Tapping - Pressure tapping is a procedure used to make branch connections to an existing water main or to enable maintenance to be carried out without disrupting water supply upstream of the tap. A very good animated demonstration of the procedure can be found here.
Preventive Maintenance - Preventive maintenance is maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals, or corresponding to prescribed criteria, and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item.
Primerseal - A primerseal is a single stage sprayed seal treatment.
Principal Road - A Principal Road is a highway, regional and through road.
Priority Infrastructure Plan - A Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) is a plan that identifies the future infrastructure needs of a Municipality. It provides a clear, transparent and certain basis for the calculation of infrastructure charges applicable to new developments.
Private Road - A private road is a road that is not subject to use by the public as of right.
Proactive Maintenance - Proactive Maintenance is targeted maintenance programmed in response to measurements indicating a heightened possibility of failure.
Probable Maximum Flood - Probable Maximum Flood (PMF), is the flood resulting from Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), including catchment conditions that are conducive to generating floods.
Problem Solving Technique - A problem solving technique is a structured methodology for trying to solve a problem.
Procedure - A procedure is a prescribed method for performing a task, often in the form of a step by step operational process.
Productivity - Productivity is a measure of efficiency of production which implies comparison of input in such terms as capital invested, wages paid, numbers employed, etc., with output.
Project Management - Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals.
Project Management Framework - A Project Management Framework (PMF) is a tool that helps an organisation plan and monitor the progress of a project. It is a statement of all the required tasks that need to be undertaken, as well as a timeline for each task and who is responsible for its implementation.
Property Connection Sewer - A Property Connection Sewer is a short sewer, owned and operated by a Water Agency, which connects the main sewer or Sewer Access Point to the Customer Sanitary Drain; it includes a junction on the main sewer, a property connection fitting, in some cases a vertical riser, and sufficient straight pipes to ensure the property connection fitting is within the lot to be serviced.
Property Damages - Property Damages means any claim for damage to property or for economic loss caused by the condition of a road or infrastructure but does not include any damage or loss arising out of personal injury or death.
Property, Plant & Equipment - AASB 116 defines Property, plant & equipment as tangible items that:
(a) are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes; and
(b) are expected to be used during more than one period.
Property Service - The WSAA defines a Property Service as a portion of a property water service from the reticulation main to meter location.
Public Hall - A public hall is a hall that can be hired or is available for public functions.
Public Highway - A public highway is any area of land that is a highway for the purposes of the common law.
Public Lighting - Public Lighting is lighting for public spaces, including roads, parks and other public facilities.
Public Open Space - Public open space is land used or intended for use for recreational purposes by the public and includes parks, public gardens, riverside reserves, pedestrian and cyclist access ways, playgrounds and sports grounds.
Public Road - A Public Road is a road, street, walkway, laneway, right of way or thoroughfare that is vested in a Local Council or Government Department.
Public Toilet - A Public Toilet is a Toilet Block that is intended for use by the general public.
Public Transport - Public transport is a shared passenger transportation service which are available for use by the general public.
Public Transport Infrastructure - Public Transport Infrastructure is non-road infrastructure that is leased, maintained and operated by a provider of public transport, or other non-road infrastructure which supports the operation of public transport.
Pump - A pump is a device used to move fluids, such as gases, liquids or slurries. A pump displaces a volume by physical or mechanical action.
Pump Station - A pump station (or pumping station) is an asset designed to pump fluid from one location to another.
Pump Stool - A Pump Stool is a supportive, galvanised steel structure placed inside a sewage pump station, enabling the correct placement of pipework prior to the installation of the pump.
Qbuild - QBuild is a division of the Department of Public Works Queensland and provides construction and building maintenance services for the Queensland Government infrastructure.
Quadruple Bottom Line - The Quadruple Bottom Line (QBL) is a meme arguing that businesses should consider their economic, environmental, social and cultural sustainability when assessing their performance.
Qualification - In accounting, the term "qualification" refers to a Qualified Auditor's Report.
Quality Assurance Manual - A Quality Assurance Manual is a set of activities or processes/procedures that are designed to ensure that products, goods and/or services satisfy the requirements of customers and business in a systematic and reliable fashion.
Quotation - [[include quote]]
Quote - A quote / quotation is a formal statement of promise by a vendor to a potential customer to supply goods or services at a specified price.
Railway Crossing - A railway crossing is a level crossing or any area where a footpath or shared path crosses a railway or light rail track at substatially the same level.
Rain Garden - A rain garden is a planted depression that allows rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas like roofs, driveways, walkways, and compacted lawn areas the opportunity to be absorbed. This reduces rain runoff by allowing stormwater to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters which causes erosion, water pollution, flooding, and diminished groundwater). Rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%.
Rainfall Loss - Rainfall loss is the amount of rainfall that does not contribute to stormwater runoff because of infiltration or natural storage in surface depressions.
Raised Reflective Pavement Marker - A Raised Reflective Pavement Marker (RRPM) is a safety device used on roads. They are usually made of plastic or ceramic, and come in a variety of shapes and colors. They include a lens or sheeting that enhance their visibility by reflecting vehicle headlights.
Rapid Modular Construction - Rapid Modular Construction is the rapid construction of buildings from prefabricated parts.
Ravelling - Ravelling is the progressive disintegration of a (road) pavement surface through loss of both binder and aggregate. Water on the pavement is the primary cause for the loss of the binder, while vehicular traffic gradually ravels away the aggregate which has been loosened due to binder loss.
Reactive Maintenance - Reactive Maintenance is a form of maintenance in which equipment and facilities are repaired only in response to a breakdown, fault or defect.
Recoverable Amount - Recoverable Amount is an accounting term referring to the price an asset would it would fetch if sold, or its value to the company when used, whichever is the larger figure.
Recreation Park - A Recreation Park is a park that protects environmental values and are used for social, cultural and informal or unorganised recreational activities that people undertake in their leisure time.
Recreation Reserve - A recreation reserve is a parcel of land set aside (by the state) for recreational purposes.
Recurrent Expenditure - Recurrent Expenditure is relatively low value (immaterial) expenditure and/or expenditure which has benefits expected to last less than 12 months. Recurrent expenditure includes operating and maintenance expenditure.
Recycled Aggregate - Recycled Aggregate is composed from one or more materials such as scrap tyres, glass, reclaimed concrete, reclaimed asphalt, used foundary sand, and recycled aggregate.
Recycled Crushed Glass - Recycled crushed glass is being used in road pavement design and as a pipe embedment material.
Redundancy - Redundancy in engineering is about designing a system in which critical components are duplicated, so that if one fails the other component can take over the function of the failed component.
Reflux Valve - A reflux valve is a type of valve that permits flow in only one direction. Reflux valves are also known as check valves.
Refurbishment - Refurbishment is the process of restoring an asset to near new condition.
Regional Recreation Hub - A Regional Recreation Hub is a location containing a cluster of recreational facilities, such as parks, leisure centres and aquatic centres.
Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland - A Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) is an engineer who is registered by the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland to provide professional engineering services in Queensland as required under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld).
Regulation - A regulation is delegated legislation, that is a law made by an executive authority under powers given to them by primary legislation in order to implement and administer the requirements of that primary legislation. It is law made by a person or body other than the legislature but with the legislature's authority.
Regulatory Sign - A regulatory sign is a traffic sign indicating an obligation to comply with an instruction given under order, regulation, Act, ordinance or by-law.
Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation is "works carried out to rebuild or replace parts or components of an asset, to restore it to a required functional condition and extend its life, which may incorporate some modification.
Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert - A Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert is a culvert made of reinforced concrete.
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