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Release Net - A Release Net is a cylindrical "sock" made of netting that is secured over the outlet of a drainage pipe that captures all material larger than the pore size of the net. If the net becomes blocked or full, a mechanism is triggered to release the net from the pipe. The net moves downstream until it reaches the end of a short tether attached to the side of the drain that constricts the net opening and prevents the trapped pollutants from being released.
Reliability Centred Maintenance - Reliability Centred Maintenance, often known as RCM, is an industrial improvement approach focused on identifying and establishing the operational, maintenance, and capital improvement policies that will manage the risks of equipment failure most effectively.
Remaining Useful Life - The Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an asset is the estimated length of time remaining before it will need to be replaced.
Renewal - Renewal or more formally Asset Renewal is the replacement or refurbishment of an existing asset (or component) with a new asset (or component) capable of delivering the same level of service as the existing asset.
Renewal Funding Gap - A renewal funding gap (also asset renewal gap) is the difference between;
Renewal Planning - Renewal Planning is the process of deciding in advance the make up and timing of renewal works.
Renewal/Replacement Plan - A Renewal/Replacement Plan is a document that defines how an organisation decides when assets need to be renewed, the projected cost of renewals and the standards applicable to them. Renewal/Replacement Plans are often a section within an Asset Management Plan.
Repair - Repair means the taking of any action to remove or reduce a risk arising from a defect in an asset.
Replacement - Replacement is the complete replacement of an asset that has reached the end of its life. so as to provide a similar or agreed alternative level of service.
Replacement Cost - The Replacement Cost of an asset (also Asset Replacement Cost & Current Replacement Cost) is the cost of replacing an existing asset with a substantially identical new asset or a modern equivalent.
Replacement Value - Replacement Value (RV) is a synonym for Replacement Cost.
Reseal - A reseal is a sprayed seal that is applied over the top of an existing road seal.
Reserve - The term reserve can have a couple of different meanings in the local government context, either;
- Land set aside for a particular purpose
- Money set aside for a particular purpose
Resheeting - Resheeting is the process of applying a layer of rock or gravel (usually about 150mm) to a section of unsealed road.
Residence - A residence is a building originally or currently being used by a person or persons as their main place of dwelling or home.
Residential Area - A residential area is an area within which residential housing predomnates either naturally, or as a result of town planning restrictions on what land uses are permitted within the area.
Residential Subdivision - A residential subdivision is a subdivision created in an residential area, consisting of only or primarily residential allotments.
Residual Pressure - Residual Pressure is a term used in AS 2419.1 and refers to the pressure remaining in a pipe during flow conditions. It is often referred to during water supply adequacy testing for fire fighting flow.
Residual Value - The residual value (salvage value) of an asset is the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.
Retaining Wall - A retaining wall is a structure designed and constructed to resist the lateral pressure of soil when there is a desired change in ground elevation that exceeds the angle of repose of the soil.
Retarding Basin - Retarding Basin -> Detention Basin
Retention Basin - A Retention Basin is a large, open, partially free draining drainage basin designed to retain a portion of the storm runoff either for water quality treatment benefits, or to assist in reducing the effective volume of runoff. The free-draining portion of the basin may be designed to operate as a traditional detention or extended detention system.
Revaluation - A revaluation is the act of recognising a reassessment of values of non-current assets at a particular date.
Reverse Osmosis - Reverse osmosis is a filtration method applied to the desalination of water. Osmosis is the passage of solutes through a semi-permeable membrane from a region of high solute concentration to a region of low solute concentration, until both regions have reached equal solute concentration. The energy that drives this process is called osmotic pressure. In reverse osmosis, this osmotic pressure has to be overcome to drive the solutes from a region of low to high concentration.
Right-of-way - A right-of-way is a strip of land that is granted, through an easement or other mechanism, for transportation purposes, such as for a walking path, driveway, road.
Rising Main - Rising Main is a synonym for Pressure Main. Although water pressure mains are sometimes referred to as rising mains, the term is most commonly used when referring to a sewer pressure main.
Risk - Risk is the potential that a chosen action, inaction or activity will lead to a loss or an undesirable outcome.
Risk Assessment - A risk assessment is a process that to used to assess the risks associated with a hazard.
Risk in Asset Management - In the sphere of asset management risk is a product of criticality and probability of failure.
Risk Management - Risk Management is the process of measuring, or assessing risk and developing strategies to manage it.
Risk Management Plan - A Risk Management Plan is a document prepared by a project manager to foresee risks, to estimate the effectiveness, and to create response plans to mitigate them.
Risk Matrix - A risk matrix is a tool used in the Risk Assessment process; it allows the severity of the risk of an event occurring to be determined.
River Wall - A river wall is a wall constructed along the bank of a river.
Road - A road is a narrow strip of land cleared of vegetation and often improved by the importation and compaction of rock and/or other material. Roads are constructed primarily to allow vehicles to easily travel from one point to another.
Road Asset Management System - A Road Asset Management System is an Asset Management System created specifically for managing roads and road related assets.
Road Authority - A road authority is the body responsible for the care, control or management of roads within a given jurisdiction. Road authorities are typically local governments or state government departments or corporations.
Road Capacity - Road capacity is the maximum hourly rate at which vehicles can reasonably be expected to traverse a point (intersection) or section of a lane/roadway during a given period of time.
Road Casement - See: Road Reserve
Road Closure - A road closure is the temporary or permanent restriction of vehicular access to a road.
Road Engineering - Road Engineering is the branch of civil engineering involving the design, construction and maintenance of roads.
Road Floodway - A road floodway is a section of road designed to be overtopped by floodwater during relatively low average recurrence interval (ARI) floods.
Road Formation - The Road Formation is the surface of finished earthworks on which a road pavement is constructed. It includes the earthworks, the general shaping of the road and basic drainage, but excluding stormwater infrastructure.
Road Furniture - Road Furniture is a generic terms for various road related assets, including;
Road Hierarchy - A Road Hierarchy (also Road Classification Hierarchy) is a scheme for categorising roads into groups based on a number of factors including; usage, location, surface type, capacity, etc.
Road Infrastructure - Road Infrastructure is infrastructure that is part of or related to a road.
Road Intersection - A road intersection is a location at which two or more roads meet.
Road Maintenance - Road Maintenance is any activity performed on a road with a view to ensuring that it is able to deliver an expected level of service until it is scheduled to be renewed, replaced or disposed of.
Road Management Agreement - A Road Management Agreement is an agreement between two road authorities about how to manage a border road or any road for which the responsibility is ambiguous.
Road Management Plan - A Road Management Plan (RMP) is a document that:
- establishes a management system for the road management functions of a road authority which is based on policy and operational objectives and available resources; and
- sets the relevant standard in relation to the discharge of duties in the performance of those road management functions.
Road Marking - [[include pavement-marking]]
Road Network - A Road Network is a set or sub-set of roads located within a given jurisdiction or area.
Road Opening Permit - A Road Opening Permit is a permit that a road authority may require a plumber, contractor or other person to obtain, prior to excavating, boring or carrying out any other works that disturb the surface of a road, footpath or nature strip.
Road Pavement - The Road Pavement is the portion of the road located directly above the subgrade, and beneath any wearing surface. In urban areas it is often bordered by kerb & channel, and in rural areas by road shoulders. It is typically constructed from compacted imported material such as crushed rock. The road pavement is sometimes broken up into two components, namely the base and the sub-base.
Road Register - A road register is an Asset Register set up specifically for roads.
Road Resealing - Road Resealing is the process of applying a sprayed seal to a section of road that has been previously sealed.
Road Reserve - A road reserve is a legally described area within which facilities such as roads, footpaths, and associated features may be constructed for public travel. It is the total area between boundaries shown on a cadastral plan.
Road Roughness - Road Roughness is a condition parameter used to measure deviations from the intended longitudinal profile of a road surface, with characteristic dimensions that affect vehicle dynamics, ride quality and dynamic pavement loading.
Road Safety Audit - A Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a "formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. It qualitatively estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities for improvements in safety for all road users.
Road Safety Barrier - A road safety barrier (also crash barrier) is a structure designed to separate vehicles from other oncoming vehicles and other roadside hazards.
Road Segment - A road segment is a uniform section of road that is identified separately in an asset register.
Road Shoulder - A road shoulder is a strip of land immediately adjacent to the traffic lane of a road not bordered by kerb & channel. The shoulder may be sealed in the case of highways and major roads, but it is typically unsealed and of a lesser depth and perhaps constructed of inferior material than the adjacent traffic lane.
Road Sign - See: Traffic Sign
Road Tunnel - A road tunnel is a tunnel constructed for the purpose of building an underground road.
Road User - A road user is any user of a road; including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, public transport passengers and vehicle drivers and passengers.
Road Verge - The road verge is that part of a road located on the immediate outside of the road shoulder. The verge typically terminates at the centre line of a table drain adjacent to the road if one exists.
Roadside - The roadside is any land that is within the boundaries of a road reserve (other than the shoulder of the road) which is not a roadway or a pathway and includes the land on which any vehicle crossing or pathway which connects from a roadway or pathway on a road to other land has been constructed.
Roadside Asset - A roadside asset is an asset that enhances the functionality of a road and/or the safety of the road users.
Roadside Management Plan - A Roadside Management Plan is a document prepared by a road authority outlining the ways in which they intend to manage that part of the road reserve between the outer edge of the road carriageway and the road reserve boundary. The plans are usually road specific and commonly include a comprehensive inventory of existing roadside vegetation.
Roadside Slashing - Roadside Slashing is a maintenance activity utilising a tractor and slasher to slash grass within the road reserve to improve visibility of wildlife, guide posts and other vehicles using the road.
Roadside Vegetation - Roadside Vegetation is vegetation located along a roadside. The term is typically reserved for naturally occuring vegetation adjacent to a rural road rather than street trees or other vegetation planted within a nature strip.
Rolling Valuation - A rolling valuation is a valuation of an asset class that is carried out over a period greater than one year.
Roof Anchor - A roof anchor is a device installed on the roof of a building that is designed to serve as an anchor point for a fall arrest system.
Roundabout - A Roundabout is a type of road intersection at which traffic enters a one-way stream around a central island.
Routine Maintenance - Routine Maintenance is the regular ongoing day-to-day work that is necessary to keep assets operating, including instances where portions of the asset fail and need immediate repair to make the asset operational again.
Rubber Tyred Roller - A Rubber Tyred Roller is a machine used in soil compaction activities. It is used on finer granuled soils e.g. sandy soil, and during final shaping of the construction site.
Rubbish Bin - A Rubbish Bin is a container for temporarily storing refuse and waste.
Rubbish Collection - Rubbish Collection -> Garbage Collection
Runoff - Runoff is the flow of surface water over land. Runoff occurs when the rainfall intensity exceeds the infltration capacity of the soil.
Rutting - Rutting is the longitudinal vertical deformation of a pavement surface in a wheelpath, measured relative to a straight edge placed at right angles to the traffic flow and across the wheelpath, with a length/width ratio greater than 4:1.
SAMI Seal - A SAMI Seal is a type of sprayed seal. SAMI is an acronym for Strain Alleviating Membrane Interlayer.
Sand Filter - A sand filter is a device designed to purify water by making it to pass through a layer of sand.
Scenario Planning - Scenario planning is a strategic planning method that can be used to make flexible long-term plans, by exploring and preparing for several alternative futures.
Scheduled Maintenance - Scheduled Maintenance is preventive maintenance carried out to a predetermined interval of time, number of operations, kilometres, etc.
School Crossing - A School Crossing is a specially marked section of road designed to afford school children and their carers a safe place to cross at school openning and closing times. Active school crossings are marked by orange flags and have a school crossing supervisor in attendance.
Sea Wall - A sea wall is a form of hard and strong coastal defence constructed on the inland part of a coast to reduce the effects of strong waves.
Sealed Road - The Victoria Grants Commission defines as Sealed Road a as road surfaced with bitumen, emoleum, asphalt, chip seal, concrete or clay segmented pavers.
Senior Citizens Centre - A Senior Citizens Centre is a building / facility designed or made available for the use of senior citizens.
Septic System - A a septic system is a small-scale sewage treatment system common in rural areas not covered by a sewerage scheme.
Septic Tank - A septic tank is a key component of a septic system, a small-scale sewage treatment system common in rural areas not serviced by a municipal sewerage treatment system.
Sequential Numbering System - A Sequential Numbering System is a system for assigning ID numbers to assets (or anything else for that matter).
Service Capacity - Service capacity is an asset's ability to deliver its service potential over time, expressed as a rate of service delivery.
Service Lane - A service lane is a lane 6 metres or less in width between boundaries, including rights-of-way less than 3.7 metres in width & resident access lanes. Some older neighbourhoods contain service lanes that were designed to allow for the manual collection of human waste.
Service Level - Service Level -> Level of Service
Service Level Agreement - A service level agreement (SLA) is the part of a service contract or a stand-alone document that formally defines the level of service to be delivered from one party to another.
Service Level Statement - A service level statement is a brief statement explaining to a customer the level of service that can be expected.
Service Pipe - The WSAA defines a Service Pipe as a water pipe that supplies water from the reticulation main to the consumer. The portion of the service pipe under the control of a Water Agency generally terminates at the water meter, or in the case of fire services, the isolating valve of the fire protection system.
Service Plan - A Service Plan is a document that provides an outline of the services that a Council (or any other organisation) provides. A service plan should aim to meet the current and future needs of the community, and provide a framework that will guide service development, facility planning, workforce development and IT/asset planning.
Service Planning - The Victorian Department of Human Services Capital Development Guidelines state that "The process of Service Planning defines the core services to be delivered to the community, in conjunction with the necessary ancillary or support services, also required within a prescribed timeframe."
Service Potential - Service potential is the total future service capacity of an asset. It is normally determined by reference to the operating capacity and economic life of an asset.
Service Review - A service review is a review of a business's services designed to identify potential service delivery improvements.
Service Road - A Service Road is a subsidary carriageway within the road reserve of a main artery and separated from the carriageways of the main artery.
Severity Of Duty - "Severity of Duty" is an expression which does not have a universally agreed definition. It appears to be most commonly used when referring to intensity of demand made on the performance of mechanical systems e.g. pumps.
Sewage - Sewage is domestic or industrial waste water which is discharged to a sewer system.
Sewage Pump Station - A Sewage Pump Station (SPS) is a pump station designed to pump sewage either directly or via an intermediate pump station to a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Sewer Access Point - A Sewer Access Point is a pit or a shaft designed to allow access to a sewer for maintenance.
Sewer Flow Monitor - A Sewer flow monitor is a device used to assist with determining the inflow and infiltration into the sewer system. Monitors are installed at key points of the system to continuously record flow depth and flow velocity. In conjunction with rainfall data, the sewer flow rate can be correlated with rainfall events. A hydrograph displays the variation of sewer flow over time.
Sewer Lamphole - A sewer lamphole is a reticulation sewer end of line access point to allow limited access to facilitate inspection or clearing of obstructions.
Sewer Maintenance Hole - A Sewer Maintenance Hole is a Sewer Access Point with a removable cover which allows human and machine access to a (typically buried) Sewer.
Sewer Maintenance Shaft - A Sewer Maintenance Shaft is a Sewer Access Point on a sewer between Sewer Maintenance Holes, larger than inspection openings, which provides equipment access but not person access to the sewer and which allows limited change of grade and/or direction; used where appropriate as an alternative to Sewer Maintenance Holes.
Sewer Manhole - Sewer manhole is a deprecated term for Sewer Maintenance Hole.
Sewer Pipe - A sewer pipe is a pipe designed to transport sewage.
Sewer Relining - Sewer Relining is a Renewal Activity, where a PVC pipe is inserted or extruded into a clay or concrete Gravity Sewer, nearing the end of its life.
Sewer Surcharge - Sewer surcharge refers to the overloading of the sewer beyond its design capacity due to inflow and infiltration of water. A surcharging sewer often results in sewer overflow at manholes and customers' over flow relief gully, ORG.
Sewer System - A Sewer System is a network of pipelines and ancillary works that conveys sewage to a treatment works or other place of disposal.
Sewer Terminal Maintenance Hole - A sewer terminal maintenance hole is an end of line sewer access point with a removable cover which allows human and machine access to a sewer. A sewer terminal maintenance hole provides access to the sewer system for customer sanitary drains via property connection sewers.
Sewer Terminal Maintenance Shaft - A Sewer Terminal Maintenance Shaft is a Sewer Access Point to allow insertion into the sewer of equipment for CCTV inspection and maintenance.
Sewerage Treatment System - A sewerage treatment system (or sewerage network) is the infrastructure used to receive, transport and treat sewage or effluent, including sewers, access chambers, machinery, outfalls, pumps, structures and vents."
Shared Footway - A shared footway is a footpath on which pedestrians and bicyclists mix, but on which bicyclists must give way to pedestrians.
Shared Path - A shared path or shared use path is a pathway designed for the use of both pedestrians & cyclists.
Sheepsfoot Roller - Sheepsfoot Roller , also known as a Padfoot Roller, is a machine used in soil compaction operations. It is most suited for compaction of plastic soils such as clay or silt.
Shelter - A Shelter is an open structure designed to protect outdoor assets such as playground equipment, seats, tables and other park furniture, and any people using them from the sun, rain and other inclement weather.
Shire - Shire is a term used to describe a rural local government region. It is a term that is synonymous with council or municipality.
Shoulder Grading - Shoulder Grading is a common road maintenance activity. As the term suggests it is the process of levelling and reshaping the unsealed shoulders of sealed rural roads with a grader.
Shoving - Shoving is the deflection and bulging of the road surface generally parallel to the direction of traffic, and/or horizontal displacement of surfacing materials. Shoving is typically caused by braking, accelerating or turning vehicles.
Side Entry Pit - A Side Entry Pit (SEP) is a stormwater pit located adjacent to kerb & channel designed to collect stormwater from a road surface.
Side Inlet Pit - A side inlet pit is a stormwater pit located behind a length of kerb & channel with an opening under the backstone or lintel to capture road runoff.
Sign - A sign in the local government sense is usually a two dimensional object with writing or a symbol advising the public of or about a place or object(s).
Signalised Pedestrian Crossing - A Signalised Pedestrian Crossing is a Pedestrian Crossing controlled by traffic signals.
Significant Tree - A significant tree is a tree of a size, rarity, age, species or historical or cultural value that warrants the placing of special restrictions of what can and cannot be done to it.
Silent Voting - Silent voting is an issue prioritisation technique, in which a group of people nominate a set number of items from a larger a list of items as being most important, without prior discussion.
Skate Park - A skate park (also Skate Facility) is a purpose-built recreational environment for skateboarders, roller skaters, rollerbladers and BMX riders to ride and develop their technique. A skatepark may contain half-pipes, quarter pipes, handrails, funboxes, vert ramps, pyramids, banked ramps, full pipes, pools, bowls, snake runs stairsets, and any number of other objects.
Slide Rail - A Slide Rail ( also often called a Guide Rail) is an assembly to lift out a submersible pump for servicing without the need to enter the pit or disconnect the pipework.
Sliplining - Sliplining is the process of installing a smaller diameter pipe into a larger existing pipe. Sliplining is commonly used to renew sewers.
Sludge Drying Bed - A sludge drying bed is an open area at water treatment plant or a wastewater treatment plant where moist sludge is left to dry.
Slurry Seal - A slurry seal is a layer of cold mixed asphalt, consisting of graded aggregate, a binder, fines and additives, usually without a polymer modifier.
Social Plan - A Social Plan is a document that identifies community need, prioritises actions and develops programs, projects and activities to deliver outcomes that will enhance the well-being of the community.
Soft Asset - A soft asset is (in the local government context) a a non infrastructure asset.
Soft Fall - Soft fall is a type of rubber matting designed to reduce injuries inflicted upon people (typically children) falling from a height. It is widely used in playgrounds.
Softscaping - Softscaping is the a component of landscaping consisting of plants, trees, shrubs, lawns, gardens etc.
Software - Software is a general term used to describe the role that computer programs, procedures and documentation play in a computer system.
Soil Compaction - Soil Compaction is the process of applying mechanical forces to soil with the aim to reduce the air spaces between soil particles and thereby increase the shear strength of the compacted soil.
Soil Nailing - Soil Nailing is used in ground stabilisation works such as slopes, embankments and pavements. It increases shear, friction and tension strength of soil. Solid or hollow reinforcing steel bars are inserted into closely spaced pre-drilled holes and grouted into place.
Spalling - Spalling is the disintegration of concrete or heavily bound pavements such as footpaths that occurs at edges, joints, corners and cracks.
Special Interest Group - A Special Interest Group (SIG) is a community with an interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology where members cooperate to effect or to produce solutions within their particular field, and may communicate, meet, and organize conferences.
Specification - A specification is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service.
Speed Hump - A speed hump is a traffic control device used to slow traffic, particularly in residential areas.
Spiral Cracking - Spiral cracking is a pipe failure mode. As the name suggests it presents as a crack that spirals around the circumference of a pipe.
Splitter Island - A splitter island is a raised or painted traffic island that separates traffic in opposing directions of travel. They are typically used at roundabouts and on the minor road approaches to an intersection.
Sports Facility - A sports facility (also Sporting Facility) is a facility where a sport or sports are played.
Sports Ground - A sports ground is an outdoor facility, typically a grassed arena where a sport or sports are played.
Sports Park - A Sports Park is a park that provides a range of facilities for practising and playing structured or organisation-based sports for teams or individuals.
Sports Pavilion - A Sports Pavilion is the clubhouse of a sporting club.
Spray Seal - Spray Seal -> Sprayed Seal.
Spraybed - A spraybed is a structure designed to oxidize and correct the PH water to make it more suitable for domestic use.
Sprayed Seal - A sprayed seal is a thin layer of binder sprayed onto a pavement surface with a layer of aggregate incorporated and which is impervious to water. A Sprayed Seal is sometimes referred to as a "Spray Seal", a "Bitumen Seal" or a "Chip Seal".
Staff Training - Staff Training is the process of teaching staff better and safer ways of working.
Standard Drawing - A standard drawing is a drawing of a typical asset or component.
Statutory Compliance - Statutory Compliance is the act or state of complying with all of the laws and regulations pertinent to an organisation or endeavour.
Statutory Planning - Statutory Planning is the part of the town planning process that is concerned with the regulation and management of changes to land use and development.
Stock Route - A stock route is a pathway for travelling stock on roads, reserves, unallocated state land and pastoral leases.
Stop Valve - A stop valve or isolating valve is a valve type that is used to permanently or temporarily stop flow in a pipe. Ball valves, gate valves, globe valves and check valves are the most common subcategory of stop valves.
Stormwater - Stormwater is a term used to describe water that originates during precipitation events (rain).
Stormwater Drain - A stormwater drain is an drainage channel, pipe, culvert or similar structure used to receive and transport stormwater.
Stormwater Drainage - Stormwater Drainage is the process of or infrastructure associated with the drainage of stormwater.
Stormwater Installation - Section 76(3) of the Queensland Local Government Act 2009 defines a Stormwater Installation for a property as -
- any roof gutters, downpipes, subsoil drains or stormwater drain for the property; but
- does not include any part of a local government's stormwater drain.
Stormwater Management Plan - A Stormwater Management Plan (also Urban Stormwater Management Plan) is a plan that develops an integrated approach to urban stormwater quality.
Stormwater Pipe - A Stormwater Pipe (also Drainage Pipe) is a pipe designed or used for carrying stormwater.
Stormwater Pit - A Stormwater Pit is a reinforced concrete chamber constructed below ground, designed to accept rainwater from surface inlets and/or one or more upstream stormwater pipes and to discharge this rainwater into a single downstream stormwater pipe.
Stormwater Quality Improvement Device - A Stormwater Quality Improvement Device (SQID) is a device or structure designed to remove a pollutant or pollutants from stormwater prior to it entering a natural water course or body.
Stormwater Quality Management Plan - A Stormwater Quality Management Plan is a plan that establishes a framework “to manage stormwater quality in urban
waterways in a way that maintains or enhances the state of balance among environmental, social and economic interests within a community”.
Straight-line Depreciation - Straight-line depreciation is a depreciation method that results in a constant reduction of an assets written down value over the useful life of the asset, providing its residual value does not change.
Strategic Asset Management Plan - A Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) is a document (or series of documents) that acts as both an Asset Management Plan and an Asset Management Strategy.
Strategic Longer Term Plan - The National Asset Management Assessment Framework (NAMAF) suggests that Councils should have a Strategic Longer Term Plan, which it describes as a strategic plan that:
- covers a time span of more than five years;
- incorporates a vision, strategic outcomes, mission, values and service outcomes that Council wants to achieve;
- included community consultation and reflects community needs;
- incorporates priorities and performance measures and indicates how they will be monitored and measured.
Strategic Plan - A Strategic Plan is a plan that documents the long-term goals and strategies of an organisation.
Strategic Planning - Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.
Strategic Resource Plan - A Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) is a plan of the resources required to achieve the strategic objectives.
Strategic Service Level - A Strategic Service Level is a service level concerned with customer outcomes but also relates to how an organisation (i.e. council) describes these services. One instance could be Community Service Level, but it is difficult to find an authoritative definition of this term.
Street - A street is a road that has mainly continuous housing or buildings on one side or both. It provides access to houses, buildings, shops, etc. with frontages onto the street. A street, by definition, is therefore found only in an urban area.
Street Lighting - Street lighting is lighting designed to provide night time illumination for variety of road users (but mainly classified as Pedestrian or Vehicle user).
Street Sign - A Street Sign is a sign displaying the name of a street, erected adjacent to that street and typically at the intersection of that street and an intersecting street.
Street Sweeping - Street Sweeping is an activity undertaken to remove unwanted material such as litter and excess aggregate from the road surface. It is generally undertaken for aesthetic reasons, but may also contribute to improved road safety and air & water quality. It may also be carried out prior to resurfacing a road and crack sealing.
Street Tree - A street tree is a tree located within a road reserve. They are typically located on the nature strip, but are also sometimes located on a central median, a roundabout or adjacent to a carpark.
Streetscape - Streetscape is the term given to the collective appearance of all buildings, footpaths and gardens along a street. The streetscape is the visual identity of a neighbourhood and plays an important role in facilitating interaction between residents and creating a community.
Streetscape Plan - A Streetscape Plan is the portion of a Development Plan showing the visible components within a street (or part of a street) between facing buildings, including the form of buildings, setbacks, fencing, landscaping, driveway and street layout and surfaces, utility services and street furniture such as lighting, signs, barriers and bus shelters.
Stress Wave Non-Destructive Testing - Stress Wave Non-Destructive Testing is a method for testing the integrity of materials, and is most commonly applied to timber structures. A stress wave is induced in a section of timber by attaching a device that can generate an impulsive force on the timber. The speed of the induced stress wave is measured at the point of impact and finally measured again at some distance from the initial point of impact. The difference between initial and final speed can be used as an indicator for the density of the timber section and possible presence of decay.
Stripping - Stripping (in the context of a sprayed seal) is the loss of aggregate from the surface, resulting in exposed binder and/or pavement.
Structure - A structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized.2
Sub-Arterial Road - A sub-arterial road is a road connecting arterial roads to areas of development, and carrying traffic directly from one part of a region to another.
Sub-base - A sub-base (also subbase) is a layer of crushed rock or similar material located above the subgrade, but beneath the base course of a road pavement.
Sub-component - A sub-component is an identifiable but relatively low value part of an asset. The value of a sub-component is rolled up into the value of the parent component.
Subdivision - A Subdivision in Town Planning terms, is the splitting up of a large block of land into 2 or more smaller allotments. Larger subdivisions typically require the construction of civil works, including, Roadworks, Drainage, Sewerage & Water Reticulation.
Subdivision Plan - [[include Plan-of-Subdivision]]
Submersible Pump - A Submersible Pump is a pump that has been designed to operate while partially for fully submerged in either water or sewage. Submersible pumps are commonly used to transfer sewage to a wastewater treatment facility.
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