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Acronyms . A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z . All |
Subsoil Drain - A Subsoil Drain is a slotted or perforated pipe laid below ground, and designed to remove excess water from the surrounding soil. Subsoil drains are often surrounded by a geotextile material to stop soil particles entering the pipe.
Succession Planning - Succession Planning is a process for identifying and developing internal personnel with the potential to fill key or critical organizational positions. Succession planning ensures the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available.
Supply Extension Works - The Victorian Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations 2005 define supply extension works as works related to the connection of a consumer to a service provided, or intended to be provided, by a utility –
- in an urban area by means of
- underground works over a distance exceeding 50 metres; or
- overhead works involving more than one pole;
- in any other area, by means of –
- underground works over a distance exceeding 300 metres; or
- overhead works involving more than 3 poles.
Surface Condition Index - A Surface Condition Index (SCI) is an overall condition value that reports an aggregation of a number of surface defects over a specified length of road pavement.
Sustainability - Sustainability, in a broad sense, is the ability to maintain a certain process or state. In the Local Government context it refers to the ability of Councils to continue delivering a level of service.
Sustainable Development - Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Swale - A Swale (also Swale Drain) is a shallow channel lined with vegetation, usually grass, used to convey stormwater.
Swale Drain - Swale Drain -> Swale
Swimming Pool - A swimming pool is an artificially enclosed body of water intended for swimming or water-based recreation.
SWOT Analysis - A SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool that lists an entity's strengths and weaknesses, and identifies opportunities for and threats to the entity.
Table Drain - A table drain is a v, trapezoidal or parabolic shaped surface drain located immediately adjacent to the edge of a road.
Technical Asset Register - A technical asset register is a register of all assets of interest to an organisation, including those assets with a value less than the organisation's adopted capitalisation threshold.
Technical Service Level - A technical service level is a service level associated with the physical characteristics of an asset.
Technological Change Forecast - A technological change forecast is a document that lists possible technological changes that could affect a Council's (or any other organisation) asset management practices & asset life-cycle costs into the future, and documents the effects they could have.
Temporary Benchmark - A temporary benchmark (TBM) is a fixed point with a known elevation used for level control during construction works and surveys. Nails in road seals, or marks on kerb & channel are commonly used as temporary benchmarks.
Temporary Road Closure - A Temporary Road Closure is the temporary restriction of vehicular access to a road.
Terotechnology - Terotechnology is the economic management of assets. It is the combination of management, financial, engineering, and other practices applied to physical assets such as plant, machinery, equipment, buildings and structures in pursuit of economic life cycle costs.
Theatre - A theatre is a building designed for hosting plays or or other public performances, or for showing films.
Thoroughfare - A thoroughfare is public street that is open to traffic at both ends.
Thrust Block - A Thrust Block is a supporting structure for pipelines where thrust forces are likely to occur. When a pipeline changes direction or size, thrust forces are generated by the fluids inside the pipeline, which can displace a pipe unless it is restrained by a thrust block or anchor. The thrust block or anchor must be designed to withstand the forces that are likely to develop and move the pipe. The forces are due to momentum and pressure of the liquid carried by the pipe, and expansion or contraction of the pipe itself.
Time Management - Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity.
Toilet Block - A Toilet Block is a building which has been constructed primarily to provide toilet facilities for the users of a facility or (in the case of a public toilet) for the general public. Toilet Blocks especially with showers, or of more elaborate construction are sometimes known as 'Amenities Buildings' or 'Amenities Blocks'.
Total Management Plan - A Total Management Plan (TMP) as an integrated strategic planning framework and business plan for maintaining or improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of services, in both the short and long term.
Town Hall - Town Hall is a traditional name for the major council office within a municipality. Many early town halls are now heritage buildings, with Council staff working out of newer office buildings.
Town Park - A town park is a formal park managed to a high standard, usually with mown and irrigated grass, paving, sculpture, shrub or flower beds. They are adjacent to and serving the main town centres and have intensive use. They may host special events.
Town Planning - Town Planning is the process of ensuring the unified development of cities, towns and regions by managing development, infrastructure and services.
Traffic - Traffic is the passage of vehicles and/or pedestrians along a road.
Traffic Congestion - Traffic Congestion is a problem associated with road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterised by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased queueing.
Traffic Control - Traffic Control is any measures taken to ensure the safe movement of motorists and pedestrians around worksites using temporary traffic signage, delineators, arrow boards and accredited traffic controllers.
Traffic Control Device - A Traffic Control Device (also traffic management device) is any sign, signal, pavement marking or device placed or erected for the purpose of regulating, warning or directing traffic and/or pedestrians.
Traffic Count - A traffic count is a count of vehicular traffic using a road. Traffics counts can be carried out either electronically or manually by people counting by the side of the road.
Traffic Counter - A traffic counter is a device, used to count, classify, and/or, measure the speed of vehicular traffic passing along a given roadway.
Traffic Impact Works - Regulation 4 of the Road Management (Works and Infrastructure) Regulations 2005 defines Traffic Impact Works as works –
- conducted –
- on a freeway; or
- on an arterial road and that require the deviation of vehicular traffic into an on-coming traffic lane; or
- in a clearway when it is in operation; or
- on, or partly on, or that affect, a bridge or other structure; or
- that require the closure to vehicular traffic of a part of a roadway for a continuous period of more than 12 hours or for more than 24 hours in 7 days; or
- that have a significant impact on road safety, traffic or other infrastructure.
Traffic Island - A Traffic Island is a defined area, usually at an intersection, from which vehicular traffic is excluded. It is used to control vehicular movements and as a pedestrian refuge.
Traffic Lane - A traffic lane is a portion of a road carriageway allocated for the use of a single line of vehicles.
Traffic Light - A Traffic Light (or traffic signal) is an electronic device positioned at a road intersection or pedestrian crossing that regulates the flow of traffic through the intersection or at the crossing by variously displaying to motorists and pedestrians either; a red, amber or green light (or symbol), indicating which vehicles and/or pedestrians have right of way at a particular point in time.
Traffic Management - Traffic Management is the planning and management of the usage of roads.
Traffic Sign - A traffic sign (also Traffic Control Sign) is a sign, board, plate, screen, or another device, whether or not illuminated, displaying words, figures, symbols or anything else to regulate, direct or warn road users.
Traffic Survey - A traffic survey is a survey undertaken to determine the volume and/or nature of traffic utilising a particular route. A traffic survey can be manual or automatic.
Trafficable Width - The trafficable width of a road is equal to;
- the seal width or surfaced width or;
- in the case of a sealed road with edge lines the distance between the inside edges of the painted edge lines.
Transport - Transport is the movement of people, cattle, animals and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline, and space.
Transport Engineering - Transport Engineering is the science of safe and efficient movement of people and goods. It encompasses research, policy development, planning, design, implementation, operation and management of all modes of travel, be that by road (including motorised and non motorised travel), rail, water or air, and interfaces between these modes and with other land uses.
Transport Infrastructure - Transport Infrastructure is infrastructure that supports the movement of people & goods. Local Government both provides and advocates for transport infrastructure.
Transverse Cracking - Transverse Cracking is an unconnected crack that runs across a road pavement, perpendicular to the direction of the road.
Tree - A tree is a long lived woody perennial plant greater than (or usually greater than) 3m in height with one or relatively few main stems or trunks.
Triple Bottom Line - The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is a meme arguing that businesses should consider how well they are doing "socially" and "environmentally" as well as "financially" when assessing their performance.
Trunk Collector Street - A trunk collector street is a street connecting the internal street network of a residential subdivision with the external arterial road network, thus providing a specialised form of connection at locations where it is desirable to concentrate local traffic to an outlet, but not to attract through traffic.
Trunk Drain - A trunk drain is a large-capacity drainage channel or stormwater pipe which carries runoff from local street drainage systems to receiving waters. They are typically natural or artificial open channels located in a dedicated drainage easement or right-of-way. Pipes larger than a certain diameter may also be considered as trunk drains. They serve a number of sub-areas, are physically large, and any overflows are likely to cause direct damage and prolonged inconvenience.
Trunk Infrastructure - Trunk infrastructure is the ‘higher order’ or ‘shared’ development infrastructure required to ensure the healthy and safe functioning of the uses it is servicing. Trunk infrastructure’s primary purpose is to service ‘catchment’ areas with a number of users or developments, rather than servicing individual developments or users.
Trunk Road - A Trunk Road is a road classification within the Tasmanian Road Hierarchy. Its is a primary freight or passenger road connecting Tasmania.
Two Coat Seal - A two coat seal is a road surface treatment consisting of a layer of bitumen with large aggregate that is sealed over with another layer of bitumen with smaller aggregate.
Ultra high performance concrete - Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is a new type of concrete characterised by low weight and high compressive strengths stated to reach up to 200 MPa. UHPC consists of fibre and steel reinforced cement. The cement mixture itself is composed of Portland Cement combined with silica fume and fine steel metal filings.
Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurement - Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurement is a non-destructive testing technique that can be used to determine the thickness of pipe walls.
Unconference - An unconference is a participant-driven meeting that attempts to avoid some of the aspects of a conventional conference, such as high fees, sponsored presentations, and top-down organization.
Underground Asset - An underground asset is an asset buried beneath the ground surface.
Underground Service - An underground service is an underground pipe or cable installed by a utility / service authority. Public underground services are often located within the road reserve or Easement, and need to be taken into account when carrying out roadworks or any other excavation works.
Undivided Road - An Undivided Road is a road with no physical separation or median between opposing flows of traffic.
Unformed Road - An Unformed Road (also Unmade Road and Unconstructed Road) is a road that has not been improved or shaped in significant way.
Unfunded Depreciation - Funding of depreciation relates to the level of non-cash items funded by the Operating Surplus/Deficit. Unfunded Depreciation is the result of an Operating Deficit, effectively causing the transfer of capital to operating.
Unit Rate - A unit rate (also unit replacement cost) is the cost per unit to build or repair an asset or to perform some action. Unit rates can be used to calculate the value of an individual asset, to estimate the cost of planned works, or to perform a complete valuation or revaluation of a network of assets.
Unplanned Maintenance - Unplanned Maintenance is maintenance carried out to no predetermined plan.
Unrecouped Depreciation - Unrecouped depreciation is depreciation that has not been raised in a given year. It is often equal to the deficit amount, i.e. operating expenditure - operating revenue.
Unsealed Road - An unsealed road is a road lacking a wearing surface. Unsealed roads are typically found in rural areas.
Unspent Depreciation - Unspent Depreciation is the amount of depreciation raised in a given year over and above the amount spent on asset replacement.
Upgrade - An upgrade is capital works carried out on an existing asset to provide a higher level of service.
Urban Area - An urban area is an area with an increased density of human-created structures in comparison to the areas surrounding it.
Urban Arterial Road - An urban arterial road is a road that provides the main basis for public and private movements of persons and goods in urban areas.
Urban Centre - An Urban Centre is a population cluster of 1,000 or more people.
Urban Renewal - Urban Renewal (also Urban Revitalisation and Urban Regeneration) is a program of land redevelopment in areas of moderate to high density urban land use.
Useful Life -
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User Manual - A User Manual is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to people using a particular system.
Utility - A utility (also service authority and servicing authority) is an organization that maintains the infrastructure for a public service.
Utility Infrastructure - Utility Infrastructure is non-road infrastructure, which is the responsibility of a utility.
Valuation - A valuation is the determination of the economic value of an asset.
Valve - What is a valve?
A valve is a device that regulates the flow of substances (either gases, fluidised solids, slurries, or liquids) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways.
Vehicular Crossing - A vehicular crossing is the section of a concrete (or asphalt) driveway located between the property boundary and the adjacent invert crossing/layback.
Vendor Lock-In - Vendor lock-in is the situation where a customer is dependent on a particular vendor for a product or service, and can not change vendors without a substantial cost.
Vision Statement - A Vision Statement is a text that outlines what an organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in which it operates to be. It concentrates on the future. It is a source of inspiration. It provides clear decision-making criteria.
Visual Assessment - A visual assessment is a direct evaluation of the properties of a physical asset that are visible by the naked eye and can be evaluated directly in the field.
Walkway - A walkway is a generic term for all engineered surfaces or structures designed for pedestrian traffic, including; footpaths, footbridges, stiles, stairs, ramps, paseos or tunnels.
Waste Management - Waste Management is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal, and monitoring of waste materials.
Waste Management Facility - A "Waste Management Facility" is a facility designed to store, recycle or dispose of any type of waste or rubbish.
Wastewater - Wastewater is spent or used water from residential, business or industrial sources.
Water Board - A Water Board is a type of Water Authority. The term can refer to the organisation as a whole, or the members of the governing body, in much the same way that "Council" can mean the municipality as a whole or the Councillors representing the municipality.
Water Corporation - A water corporation is a water authority that has been set up as a corporation.
Water Flow Metering Station - A water flow metering station is an asset designed measure the volume of water passing through a pipeline.
Water Hammer - Water hammer is a pressure surge in a pipeline as a result of changes in fluid flow velocities. The faster the changes in the velocities, the greater the magnitude of the pressure surge. Pressure surges in pipe lines are due to closing and opening of valves or stopping and starting of pumps, or by sudden releases of trapped air.
Water Hydrant - The term water hydrant is a synonym for fire hydrant.
Water Inlet Structure - A water inlet structure is a structure located within a river, lake, reservoir or other water source designed to receive water from its surroundings for use within a water treatment plant or other facility.
Water Main - A water main is water pipe which is a part of the water supply system.
Water Meter - A water meter is a device used to measure the volume of water usage.
Water Property Service - A Water Property Service is the portion of a water service pipe located between the water reticulation main and the water meter.
Water Pump Station - A water pump station (or water pumping station) is an asset designed to pump water from one location to another.
Water Purification - Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, materials, and biological contaminants from raw or contaminated water.
Water Reticulation Main - A water reticulation main as a water main that connects a distribution main with service pipes. Reticulation mains are typically between 100mm and 375mm in diameter.
Water Reticulation Network - A water reticulation network is a network of pumps, pipes and water storages designed to store and distribute water.
Water Sensitive Urban Design - Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is a set of design elements and on-ground solutions that aim to minimise impacts on the water cycle from the built urban environment. It offers a simplified and integrated approach to land and water planning by dealing with the urban water cycle in a decentralised manner consistent with natural hydrological and ecological processes.
Water Service - A water service is the pipeline that connects a property to a water main.
Water Service Pipe - A water service pipe is a pipe that extends from a potable water source to the interior of a building.
Water Supply - Water Supply is the process of self-provision or provision by third parties in the water industry, commonly a Council or Water Authority, of water resources of various qualities to different users.
Water Supply Facility - A Water Supply Facility is a group of related water supply assets located within close proximity.
Water Supply System - A water supply system (or water supply network) is a system designed to collect, store, purify and distribute water.
Water Transfer Main - A Water Transfer Main is a water main used to transport bulk quantities of water from a source or storage to another Water Facility as part of the water supply system. The water transfer main is not part of the reticulation system and does not have any property services connected. It may carry bore water, raw surface water or potable water.
Water Treatment Plant - A Water Treatment Plant is a facility designed to produce potable water for a Water Reticulation Network.
Water Valve - A water valve is a valve that regulates the flow of water through a pipe.
Watercourse - The Australian Water Act 2007 defines watercourse as follows:
(a) means a river, creek or other natural watercourse (whether modified or not) in which water is contained or flows (whether permanently or from time to time); and
(b) includes:
(i) a dam or reservoir that collects water flowing in a watercourse; and
(ii) a lake or wetland through which water flows; and
(iii) a channel into which the water of a watercourse has been diverted; and
(iv) part of a watercourse; and
(v) an estuary through which water flows.
Waterways - Waterways is defined in the Queensland Environmental Protection Act 1994 as
Wearing Course - A wearing course (also wearing surface and pavement surfacing) is the topmost layer of a road pavement. The term is typically used when the top layer is of the road is quite thick - brick pavers, asphalt, concrete, etc. If the road is covered with a sprayed seal or a thin asphalt overlay, the term wearing surface is more frequently used.
Wearing Surface - There's wearing surface (also Wearing Course) is the top layer of a sealed road. It is specifically designed to resist abrasion from traffic and to minimise the entry of water.
Web Content Management System - A web-content-management system (WCMS or Web CMS) is content management system (CMS) software, usually implemented as a Web application, for creating and managing HTML content. It is used to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of Web material (HTML documents and their associated images). A WCMS facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and many essential Web maintenance functions. [1]
Wheel Wash - A Wheel Wash is specialised structure for removing mud, dust & contamination from the wheels & underside of a vehicle. A wheel wash generally consists of a well drained concrete slab or hardstand & a high pressure hose or spray system.
Wiki - A Wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content (excluding blocked users), using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites.
Wire Rope Safety Barrier - A Wire Rope Safety Barrier, also known as cable barrier, consists of a series of wire ropes connected between easily breakable posts. This type of road safety barrier, due to its shock absorbing qualities, causes less damage to vehicles and reduces injuires to passengers. Such barriers should comply with Australian and New Zealand Standards AS/NZ 3845 Road Safety Barrier Systems
Wish List - A wish list is a list of goods or services desired by an individual, group or organisation.
Work in Progress - The term Work in Progress (WIP) refers to any works that are incomplete at the end of an accounting period. WIP is valued at cost, and is considered to be a separate Asset Class by many Councils.
Work Order - A work order (or job card) is a hard copy document created when works are approved.
Work Ticket - [[include job-card]]
Workshop - A workshop is a room or building which provides both the area and tools (or machinery) that may be required for the manufacture or repair of manufactured goods.
Write Off - The term write-off describes a reduction in recognized value. In accounting terminology, it refers to recognition of the reduced or zero value of an asset. (Wikipedia)
Written Down Replacement Cost - The Written Down Replacement Cost (WDRC) (or Written Down Value) of an asset is its current replacement cost less accumulated depreciation.
Written Down Value - [[include Written-Down-Replacement-Cost]]
Zero-based Budgeting - Zero-based budgeting is an approach to budgeting in which every line item of the budget is considered on its merits, without reference to previous expenditure levels.
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