Government Departments
Local Government interacts with many State & Federal agencies on a regular basis including those listed below.
The lists below are generated automatically. To include a page add the tag "gov" plus one of the following "fed", "act", "nsw", "nt", "qld", "sa", "tas", "vic", "wa".
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
- Department of Communities (Queensland)
- Department of Community Safety (Queensland)
- Department of Education and Training (Queensland)
- Department of Emergency Services (Queensland)
- Department of Environment and Resource Management (Qld)
- Department of Environment and Resource Management (Queensland)
- Department of Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland)
- Department of Justice and Attorney General (Queensland)
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation (Queensland)
- Department of Premier and Cabinet (Queensland)
- Department of Public Works (Queensland)
- Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland)
- Environmental Protection Agency (Queensland)
- Queensland Health
- Queensland Police
- Queensland Treasury
- The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (Qld)
South Australia
Victorian Government Departments