Gravel Resheeting

Gravel Resheeting is the process of applying a layer of gravel (usually about 150mm) to a section of unsealed road.


The steps in gravel resheeting are:

  • Tyning (loosening the existing surface);
  • Spreading the new gravel; and
  • Compaction.1

In most cases for most purposes Gravel Resheeting is considered to be a renewal and therefore capital in nature.

There are a couple of exceptions to this rule.

  1. If only a short section of road, say less than 100m is resheeted.
  2. Some councils apply a light resheet2 (50mm or less) every year and this expenditure is considered to be maintenance.
  3. The Queensland Grants Commission defines Gravel Resheeting to be a maintenance activity, so it needs to be reported as such in the annual return.

Useful Life

Gravel roads need to be resheeted on a regular basis typically every 5-20 years.34

The table below shows the useful life for gravel resheets adopted by a number of Councils. Please feel free to add your Councils wikidot.comrmation.

Council Adopted Life
Bundaberg Regional Council 12 years
Infrastructure Asset Useful Lives Report 5-20 years
Gympie Regional Council 10 years
Wentworth Shire Council 25 years

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External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. When Gravel Road Sealed, Is that a new asset or renewal/upgrade existing asset? - IPWEA Forum
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