A Guardrail is a fence or similar structure designed to prevent vehicles from veering off the roadway into oncoming traffic, crashing against solid objects or falling over an embankment. A secondary objective is keeping the vehicle upright while deflected along the guardrail.
Photo: Armco Barriers
Useful Life
The useful life of a guradrail will vary considerably due to a range of environmental & other factors. A useful life of 20 years appears to be typical for the runways operated by the organisations listed below.
Please feel free to improve the table by adding your Council or organisation's information.
Guardrail Types
Guard Rail Vendors
Related Pages
The following site members have contributed to this page:
External Links & References
- Wikipedia
- Road Safety Engineering Risk Assessment Part 4: Treatment Life for Road Safety Measures
- Google Search
- Rubrail (Ingal Civil)
- Flexbeam (Ingal Civil)
- Wire Rope Safety Barrier (Ingal Civil)