
A Headwall (also Endwall) is a small retaining wall placed at the inlet or outlet of a stormwater pipe or culvert. It serves to minimise vegetation growth and reduce erosion around the culvert inlet and outlet. Although the terms headwall and endwall tend to get used interchangeably it may be more correct to call a retaining wall at a pipe inlet a headwall and a retaining wall at a pipe outlet an endwall.7

headwall.jpg drainage-headwall1.jpg Bundaberg-Ring-Road-Culvert.jpg

Useful Life

The useful life of a headwall will depend on a number of factors. Many Councils assume a useful life of 80-100 years.

The table below shows the useful life for headwalls adopted by Councils or published elsewhere. Please feel free to add your Councils information.

Council Useful Life
Albury City Council 100 years
Camden Council 80 years
Campbelltown City Council 80 years
Holroyd City Council 70 years
Muswellbrook Shire Council 100 years
Shoalhaven City Council 80 years
Wollondilly Shire Council 100 years

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External Links & References

  1. Glossary of Austroads Terms
  2. Humes Headwalls Page
  3. Rocla Headwalls Page
  4. Colyconcrete Headwall Page
  5. Google Search (Headwall)
  6. Standard Life Comparison Roads and Stormwater
  7. Pen State Headwall & Endwall Informational Bulletin
  8. Althon.co.uk
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