Infrastructure Sustainability

Infrastructure sustainability is the design, delivery, operation and eventual decommissioning or adaptation of infrastructure assets in ways that do not diminish the social, economic and ecological processes required to maintain human equity, diversity and the functionality of natural systems.

There are many factors that can and should be taken into account when considering how sustainable a particular infrastructure project is, including its effect on:

Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia

The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) has developed an infrastructure sustainability rating tool and is promoting its use to Australian Councils.

The ISCA defines Infrastructure Sustainability as 'Infrastructure that is designed, constructed and operated to optimise environmental, social and economic outcomes over the long term.'

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External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia
  3. Why Infrastructure Sustainability is Good for your Business (World Federation of Engineering Organsiations)
  4. Centre for Sustainable Infrastucture (Swinburne University of Technology)
  5. IPWEA Sustainability Community of Interest (IPWEA)
  6. Engineers Australia Sustainability Policy
  7. City of Melbourne Sustainability checklist and fact sheets
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