James Meakes
James Meakes (City of Busselton) E
This page has been set up as part of the Local Government Collaboration Project. It keeps track of the pages on which the above individual's name appears.
- Animal Control
- Animal Management
- Aquatic Centre
- Business Improvement Techniques
- Business Planning
- Change Management
- Climate Change
- Community Infrastructure
- Database
- Driverless Car
- Driverless Vehicle
- Drone
- Economic Development
- Emergency Management
- Enforcement of Local Laws
- Facilities Management
- Facility Management
- Flood Mapping
- Geographical Information System
- Information Management
- Level of Service
- Library
- Lifecycle Cost Analysis
- Life Cycle Costing
- Local Government Collaboration Survey Respondents
- Local Law Enforcement
- Maintenance Programming
- Parking Systems
- Process Mapping
- Project Management
- Records Management
- Recreational Facility
- Self-driving Car
- Service Level
- Software System Integration
- Swimming Pool Complex
- Waste Management