Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) comprises a range of practices used in an organisation to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of insights and experiences.

Knowledge Management Tools


The following 'Knowledge Management' related issues have been identified as challenges for some councils via the local government collaboration project survey and/or added directly. (Please feel free to add to the list)

  • access to expert knowledge in rural Australia

If you have any thoughts on how to best meet these challenges, please feel free to share them by clicking on the 'discuss' button below and starting a conversation or by contributing to this page directly.


The following people have indicated (via the Local Government Collaboration Topics Survey) that they have an interest and/or expertise in the topic of 'knowledge management' and are willing to collaborate with their peers at other councils to identify challenges and resources relating to the topic and to look for ways to work together to overcome any challenges that are identified.

Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. Wikipedia Article
  2. Australian KM Groups & Organisations
  3. GoovLoop Knowledge Management in Government Group
  4. Knowledge Bucket (Knowledge Management Wiki)
  5. 14 Principles of Knowledge Management
  6. Google Search
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