A level crossing is an area where a road and a railway meet at substantially the same level, whether or not there is a level crossing sign on the road at all or any of the entrances to the area; or an area where a road and tram tracks meet at substantially the same level and that has a level crossing sign on the road at each entrance to the area.

In Queensland local government is responsible for approximately 85 percent of the 1700 level crossings located within the state.
In Victoria the State Government identified 50 dangerous and congested level crossings around Melbourne, and commenced removing them in early 2016.4
Related Pages
- Queensland Level Crossing Safety Committee
- Queensland Level Crossing Safety Strategy 2010–2014
- Railway Crossing
The following site members have contributed to this page:
External Links & References
- Wikipedia
- Management & Funding Responsibility for Level Crossing Saftey
- Google Search
- Removing Level Crossings - Public Transport Victoria