Long-Term Asset Management Plan

A Long-Term Asset Management Plan is a document that -

  • outlines the local government's goals, strategies and polices for managing the local government's assets and infrastructure, during the period covered by the plan; and
  • covers a period of at least 10 years after the commencement of the plan.


Section 104(6) of the Queensland Local Government Act 2009 states that a local government must annually conduct, and report on the results of, a review of the implementation of its Long-Term Asset Management Plan.

Section 136 of the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010 states that;

The long-term asset management plan must—
(a) provide for strategies to ensure the sustainable management of the assets mentioned in the local government’s asset register and infrastructure of the local government; and
(b) state the estimated capital expenditure for renewing, upgrading and extending the assets for the period covered by the plan; and
(c) be integrated with the long-term financial forecast.

External Links & References

  1. Queensland Local Government Act 2009
  2. Queensland Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010
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