Major Culvert

A major culvert is a culvert (or more commonly multiple culverts laid side by side) of large enough size to be treated more like a bridge over a water course than a pipe under a road.

Major_Culvert1.jpg Major_Culvert2.jpg

Data Standard for Road Management and Investment in Australia and New Zealand

Section 8.3.3 of the Data Standard for Road Management and Investment in Australia and New Zealand defines a 'major culvert' as a structure designed to provide passage for road users over an obstacle by spanning it. Major culverts have a cross sectional area of more than 3.4 sq.m.

Queensland Grants Commission

The Queensland Grants Commission defines a major culvert as a culvert or culverts with a total span of greater than 6m.

Victoria Grants Commission

The Victoria Grants Commission doesn't specifically define the term major culvert. It states (rather confusingly) that "Bridges and Major Culverts include bridges and major culverts of six (6) metres and over in length (measured along the centre line of the carriageway)."

This could be interpreted as meaning that there are three types of culverts:

Major Culverts (> 6m) - which are considered to be bridges
Minor Culverts - which are considered to be part of the road
Major Culverts (< 6m) - which are ignored all together!!


The VicRoads Road Structures Inspection Manual suggests that major culverts should be the subject of a routine maintenance inspection at least twice a year.

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External Links & References

  1. 2011-12 VGC Manual
  2. Google Search
  3. Bridge Culvert Servicing Manual (Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads)
  4. What is the difference between a culvert and a bridge? - Quora
  5. IPWEA Major Culver Definition Discussion
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