Open Standard for As Constructed Drawings
This page has been set up to facilitate the creation of an Open Standard for As Constructed Drawings.
Suggested Clauses
An as constructed plan should:
- be accurate
- be labeled "As Constructed"
- NOT be labeled "Design Only".
- identify clearly between "Existing", "As Constructed (Current)" and "Future" assets.
- include surface levels at the following locations:
- allotment corners
- the mid points of allotment boundaries
- the centroid of the allotment
- changes of grade
- be certified by a registered engineer
- be provided in digital and A1 hardcopy format.
- be orientated to GDA94 coordinates
- give all levels to AHD.
- locate all services to be transfered to council and clearly identify changes in alignment e.g bends in water mains
- Material Type and Class - to be noted on Longitudinal Section eg. mPVC(type), PN16(class).