Below is a list of people who have created local government related sites, blogs, groups or mailing lists or are otherwise encouraging collaboration within local government.
Please feel to add yourself to the list below, and to tell us a bit about your project(s).
Darron Passlow
Wikidot ID: MatrixIP
Website: Innovative Council
Dylan Tusler
Wikidot ID: DylanSC
Website: Australian Local Government IT (Yahoo Groups)
Geraldine Watkins
Website: Local Government Records Management (Yahoo Groups)
Ludwig Kraayenbrink
Wikidot ID: Ludwig Kraayenbrink
Website: Local Government ICT Group - Australia (LinkedIn)
Wayne Eddy
Wikidot ID: Wayne Eddy
Council: Bundaberg Regional Council
Website: Local Government & Municipal Knowledge Base
Email: moc.liamg|riafnekrad#moc.liamg|riafnekrad
LinkedIn: Wayne Eddy
Twitter: LGAM