A plan is;
- A drawing showing technical details of a building, machine, etc., with unwanted details omitted, and often using symbols rather than detailed drawing to represent doors, valves, etc.
- A document containing a set of intended actions and other information, usually mutually related, through which one expects to achieve a goal.
Both definitions of the word plan are used widely in local government.
Types of Plans
Below is a list of plan types (of the second kind) commonly or sometimes used (or overused) in local govenment.
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- Annual Plan
- Asbestos Management Plan
- Asset Management Improvement Plan
- Asset Management Plan
- Bicycle Plan
- Business Continuity Plan
- Business Plan
- Certified Plan
- Community Emergency Risk Management Plan
- Community Engagement Plan
- Community Plan
- Construction Safety Plan
- Corporate Plan
- Development Contributions Plan
- Development Plan
- Disability Action Plan
- Domestic Animal Management Plan
- Drinking Water Quality Management Plan
- Emergency Management Plan
- Environmental Management Plan
- Financial Plan
- Flood Management Plan
- Infrastructure Charges Plan
- Integrated Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- Landfill Environment Management Plan
- Long-Term Asset Management Plan
- Long-Term Community Plan
- Maintenance Plan
- Master Plan
- Municipal Fire Prevention Plan
- Operational Plan
- Precinct Structure Plan
- Priority Infrastructure Plan
- Regional Waste Management Plan
- Risk Management Plan
- Road Management Plan
- Roadside Management Plan
- Routine Maintenance Plan
- Service Plan
- Social Plan
- Stormwater Quality Management Plan
- Strategic Asset Management Plan
- Strategic Longer Term Plan
- Strategic Plan
- Strategic Resource Plan
- Strategy Plan
- Structure Plan
- Total Management Plan
- Water Quality Improvement Plan
Required Pages
- Bushfire Management Plan / Bushfire Risk Management Plan
- Cultural Heritage Management Plan
- Growth Area Framework Plan
- Integrated Water Management Plan
- Learning & Development Plan
- Precinct Infrastructure Plan
- Town Plan
- Township Protection Plan
- Urban Stormwater Management Plan / Stormwater Management Plan