Play Equipment

Play Equipment -> Playground Equipment

Playground Equipment is any play equipment installed within a playground.

Playground-Equipment-Nov16.jpg Ram-Spring-Toy.jpg Combination-Set.jpg

Types of Playground Equipment

Useful Life

The table below shows the useful life for playground equipment adopted by Councils or published elsewhere. At the moment a useful life of about 15 years seems to be typical. Please feel free to improve the table by adding your Councils information below.

Council/State Adopted Useful Life
Camden Council 15 years
Holroyd City Council 15 years
Muswellbrook Shire Council 15 years
Ryde City Council 20 years
Shoalhaven City Council 15 years
South Dakota 15 years
Whittlesea City Council 15 years
Wollondilly Shire Council 15 years

AS 4685:2014

AS 4685:2014 is the Australian Standard for Playground Equipment. It details a range of general and equipment specific safety requirements & test methods for playground equipment.

It is based on the European Standard.

Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. Playground Equipment Photos
  2. Google Search (Playground Equipment)
  3. Google Search (Play Equipment)
  4. Australian Playground Standards - Kidsafe Victoria
  5. The new playground Standard AS 4685:2014 - UTS / Professor David Eager (August 2014)
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