Public Authority

A Public Authority is a body established under state or federal legislation for a public purpose.

Victorian Subdivision Act 1988

The Victorian Subdivision Act 1988 defines a public authority as "a body established for a public purpose by or under any Act but does not include a municipal council."


The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption defines a public authority as:
(a) a Government Department or the Teaching Service,
(b) a statutory body representing the Crown,
(c) a declared authority under the Public Service Act 1979,
(d) a person or body in relation to whom or to whose functions an account is kept of administration or working expenses, where the account:
(i) is part of the accounts prepared under the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983,or
(ii) is required by or under any Act to be audited by the Auditor-General, or
(iii) is an account with respect to which the Auditor-General has powers under any law, or
(iv) is an account with respect to which the Auditor-General may exercise powers under a law relating to the audit of accounts if requested to do so by a Minister of the Crown,
(e) a local government authority,
(f) the Police Force,
(g) a body, or the holder of an office, declared by the regulations to be a body or office within this definition.

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